Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hello, 3rd Trimester

Today marks the beginning of my 3rd trimester, at 28 weeks. Looking back, the 1st trimester has been one of the toughest periods to endure through. The few months of nausea, cramps, anxiety, and sleepless nights thanks to a nearby 'building' and nightmares/dreams, and the incredible Fatigue. Not to forget the sudden outbreak of pimples!

Trimester 2 has been a 'honeymoon' period indeed - a huge increase in appetite, a big load of our minds since the most critical period has passed and the pregnancy stabilized, a relatively small tummy to cause too much discomforts, and a boost in energy levels, though plague with indigestion, gastric pains, and occasionally, emotional rides. Thankfully, the pimples went away with the 1st trimester, but rashes came along as I forced myself to sleep on my left side due to recommendations from online websites.

Towards the end of the 2nd trimester, things seem to have taken a roundabout turn. Appetite seems to be getting smaller, the feeling of nausea is creeping back silently, and fatigue is starting to haunt me again. With a much bigger bump, it is getting harder to walk - I will feel breathless after walking a short distance. It is really a good thing that hubby is chauffeuring me everywhere, as I can't stand standing for too long nowadays. (There was once in my 1st trimester when I nearly fainted after standing in the MRT from Yishun to Toa Payoh - vision turned blurry, and the feeling of nausea was so overwhelming that I was not able to stand properly.) My tummy now rests on my thighs when I'm sitting - it's a funny feeling. Just yesterday night, my back felt as if it was going to break when I just got onto bed. :( It is also getting hard to find a good position to sleep now - must consider how to place my bump, my back, my spine, my hips, my shoulders...blah.. blah..

Our baby seems to have mastered his Shaolin kungfu kicks already. I am starting to feel his movements and punches more acutely. I read somewhere that a baby should kick at least 10 times a day, but I think our little darling may be doing it 10 times in an hour! Sometimes, he will wake me up in the middle of the night with his karate chops. Well, I guess I will miss all these sensation within my tummy after he is born.

We have started our prenatal class with the famous Mrs Wong at TMC, just last Sunday. It was a really enjoyable class and she was so humorous. Now, I sometimes wonder whether she was serious when she taught Daddies how to communicate/bond with their babies from outside Mummies' tummies. We learned a few stretching exercises and also gotten tips from her on diet, confinement, etc. Gosh, I can't actually remember some of the things. But she has assured us that it is OK to wash ourselves during confinement, and it is a good thing to do so for hygiene reasons. The tradition of not washing hair during such a period originated from China, when water was scarce or not readily available, and there was no such thing as a shower (imagine what the tub of water will become when a lady who has just given birth has soaked herself inside.. shall not be too explicit). She also taught us how to sleep on our left side - as long as you're not completely flat on your back, it is OK. That is a great relief to me, because I have been finding myself almost flat on my back when I wake up in the morning, despite my efforts in the previous night to sleep on my left side.

By the way, TMC is undergoing some renovation. Hopefully, it will be completed soon, before my hospital stay.

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