Saturday, November 30, 2013

Activity Books Completed in November 2013

#1 - IQ Sticker Book
Isabelle completed this book with some help from us.  She did not seem to be as interested in sticker books as Ian, so it took a few days to finish till the last page.

#2 - Usborne Sticker Books - Airport
Both of them took turns to complete this sticker book, but with Ian contributing the most.  He also attempted to teach his little sister how to paste the stickers properly but looking at the scene and the orientation of the stickers.

#3 - Kumon - My Book of Numbers 1-120
I could not even remember when Ian started to work on this book (it seemed ages ago).  But it bored him to tears when he just started.  I kept the book away for a few months, and took it out again when he was more comfortable with numbers, and he breezed through it just so that he could have the certificate at the back of the book.

#4 - Let's Colour
Another book that had been stashed away for a long time.  I initially bought this book from a Popular Expo Sale, for Ian to practise on his colouring skills.  However, he was only interested in it for a while and was not able to finish colouring the whole picture, so the book was put away.  Until recently, he begged me to let him colour the pictures again, when I took out the book to let Isabelle try her hands on colouring.  The siblings finished the book in one morning, with Ian doing most of the work, and Isabelle just scribbling on the few sheets that she was given.  Must admit that Ian's colouring skills had improved so much since last year.

These were 2 of his works, pinned up on the wall as a form of encouragement to keep up his efforts.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Ian had started on the BambinoLUK system when he was around the age of 3.  These books were supposed to help in the training of logic/critical thinking, as well as to improve concentration skills.  

He could do the easier exercises back then, but needed some prompting on the more difficult pages.  Because of our inconsistency in letting him work on these books, he only (and finally) finished the last book this month, just months before turning 6.  At this point, he could easily complete most of the exercises without help, so he found it immensely enjoyable and confidence-boosting.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

[Crafts] What A Craft-ful Day!

With both kiddos at home today, we spent some time doing art and crafts again.

We took out the colouring book and started colouring away.  As usual, Isabelle was not very interested in colouring and scribbled away on the paper, whereas her brother attempted to colour as best as he could.  As he requested, he selected a few pieces of his artwork to be pinned onto the wall.

And this is my work...

Next, I fished out the foam sticker craft that I had purchased from a Popular Expo fair a long time ago.  Ian enjoyed doing this, and did it mostly on his own and with some interruption from his little sister who kept stealing pieces of the stickers away.

And this is the completed work...

In the afternoon, we recreated the rainbow craft activity that I had done with Ian way back in 2010.  I had thought that this would be easy enough for Isabelle, but she only had patience to complete the first 3 bands while I completed the rest for her.  This time round, I did not have to help Ian at all - except to draw the outline of the rainbow.

And there!  Ian's work is on the left, and it is much, much better than the one on the right.  I am pleasantly surprised at his effort to paste everything so neatly and orderly.  And he insisted to draw clouds too.  (On the right, look at Isabelle's attempt to imitate the clouds too!)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Favourite Activity After Nap

Recently, this is one of the favourite things she will do after waking up from her afternoon naps - cut, cut, cut!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Handmade With Love

This piece of pink polka dot fabric had been in my stash forever, so I set my heart on destashing it from my pile and made this dress just in time for Halloween.  But it was just too bad that the school decided not to have any celebration this year!  

She loved the dress just the same anyway, as I told her it was her Minnie dress.

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