Sunday, April 12, 2009

Good Friday Weekends

Toddling Toddler
Just a few days after Ian started to walk independently at my Mom's wooden floor, he gained confidence very quickly to do that at home too. He has been toddling around the house over the Good Friday weekends, and has managed to walk from the bedroom to the living room, which is about 4m in length.

We have started to put him into the Barney shoes that was bought by my Mom when we bring him out. However, we still do not dare to let him walk on the streets for too long, as he tends to sit down and climb when he is tired.

By the way, my Mom's prophesy has once again come true. She has been saying that Ian will walk at 12 months, and thankfully, he has achieved this milestone in time!

His Magmag Cup
Since his Magmag spout has gotten dirtied again, we have upgraded him to a straw top. Surprisingly, he takes it better than the spout. Soon, we will train him to drink his milk from the cup too.

Classes, Classes
This weekend, we have also started him in a Kindermusik class. We have gone for trials at Kindermusik and Seimpi, but chose the former since the timings are better. The classes at Seimpi are either too early or too late for us, and Hubby finds it too far as well. Our main objective is to get Ian exposed to music, and so, Kindermusik would be good enough for now.

Today, Ian also started a new semester for the LNT class. He has new classmates, and thankfully, they were not as woeful as some of the previous ones. *Fingers-crossed* I just hope that Ian will pay more attention in the class, like his other little friends. However, I think he had enjoyed the class today, as he was laughing so hard when the teacher dropped the toy carrot onto the plate that everyone was looking at him. The auntie next to us even said that his laughter was so cute.

Sign, Sign, Sign
Today, he also surprised me by doing the sign for "more". We have been teaching him this sign for the past few months and he finally started to imitate this action. Perhaps he does not really understand the meaning, but hopefully, he will start to, so that he can tell us what he wants. He also finds the sign for "bike" (imitate the peddling action with your hands) hilarious, as he cracks up whenever I do it. He also does a similar action, and I wonder if he is trying to copy the "bike" sign?

One of his favourite songs must be "The eensy weensy spider" - he appears more alert and tries to imitate the hand actions for this song.

Food, Western Food
As Hubby was home in the morning, I decided to be a bit more adventurous to try out new recipes for Ian. He seemed to be losing his appetite recently, and I wonder whether it was due to teething, or because my cooking did not whet his appetite?

For breakfast, I cooked scrambled egg for Ian using an egg, fresh milk, butter and cheese. New food introduced were fresh milk and butter. Since Ian could not finish his meal, it ended up in both our tummies. I had thought that this was baby food (meaning, not very tasty for an adult), but surprisingly, it tasted rather OK. Perhaps it was due to the butter which contained some salt? Or the cheese?

For lunch, I cooked pasta and mixed it with broccoli, carrots and cheese, then sautéd with butter in a pot. As Ian was not ready to eat by the time I was done, I left it in the thermal pot. However, it ended up too dry by the time he was ready to eat, so Hubby added water to make it more 'edible' for Ian.

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