Saturday, September 25, 2010

Toilet-Training: Diaper-free Days At Home

This week, Ian has caught a cough and a runny nose.  Hence, we have been keeping him at home since Tuesday because his nose turned into a leaking tap.  I took this chance to try putting him on his training pants for the whole day. 

Tuesday - Perhaps he was not used to the extended hours of being diaper-free, and poo-ed in the pants.  However, he did a good job of keeping it dry otherwise.  It was my first attempt to let him have his nap in the training pants and it was a success.  I also ventured to let him go diaper-free for going out (fetched Hubby from work and had dinner at my mom's place).  However, he peed in the car seat on the way to fetch Hubby.  Hubby said he was still not ready, and changed him back into his diapers at my mom's place.

Wednesday - Oops, Ian had a little accident.  He poo-ed a little into the pants and quickly ran to the toilet for the rest.  He also peed in his pants once, but had kept it dry through his nap.  I tried to let him go diaper-free for our short outing again.  This time, I reminded him repeatedly not to pee in the car and not to pee on the floor.  He managed to keep the car seat dry.

Thursday - It was a dry day...yippie!  Again, I put him in his training pants on our short outing in the evening.  I reminded him repeatedly again not to pee in the car and on the floor.  He managed to keep it dry, but wet his pants while playing with his cousins at my mom's place.  Hubby changed him back into diapers again. 

Friday - Ian peed once in the training pants again, even at home.  I wonder if this is a regression?  However, he had kept it dry otherwise.  Once we reached my mom's place in the evening, Hubby brought him to the toilet immediately to empty his bladder.  However, he did not pee, and wet his pants in a while later. He also managed to pee into the toilet bowl successfully after the little accident.

After these few days of "training", I realised that Ian needs to go to the toilet frequently in order to keep his pants dry.  I wonder is it normal for children to go frequently?  It is going to be hard to keep him diaper-free for longer trips outside.  :(

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