Friday, November 25, 2011

Ian's Development Assessment

We had an early parent-teacher session in Ian's school, as we were not able to make it for all the scheduled dates in December.

Overall, the teachers were pleased with his academics and independence, and mentioned that he was quite advanced academically.  Their primary concern was still his behaviour.  Even though he knew that something was not to be done and could even say the consequences, he would still attempt to do it.  The teachers also admitted that he fared better in a smaller group setting, but needed a lot of attention.  He would also have sudden outbursts when the teacher talked to him on what he had done wrong, for instance.

As we had a review session with the child development doctor in the afternoon, we mentioned the above to her.  She proposed to send Ian to a few occupational therapy sessions to manage his emotional behaviour, and in the meanwhile, to schedule for a session with a child psychologist. 

Upon my request, she also did an assessment for Ian, but based on a 4-year-old guideline since he was only a few months away from hitting four.  He passed most of it and the doctor said he had already reached the 4-4.5 year old level in most of the items.

We were contemplating putting him into another childcare centre, but due to our location, there were limited choices available.  Hence, Hubby suggested looking into more enrichment classes for him at the time being, as he felt that Ian's progress had been slowed down since last year.

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