Saturday, March 31, 2012

Isabelle @ 9 Months

We paid the PD a visit this morning for her 9 month assessment (and mistakenly thought that there was a vaccine as well).

Her stats:
Weight: 8.06kg (25-50 percentile)
Height: 73cm (75-90 percentile)
Head Circumference: 44cm

It was a surprise that Isabelle's weight had dropped to the below-50-percentile range again, as we had felt that she gained weight after taking in more solid food.  But, at least her height was in a good range, which served as a kind of consolation that not all the statistics were below average.

The doctor checked on her and concluded that everything was normal for her.

Some of the things that Isabelle can do:
- stands up by holding onto something
- stands without support for about 2-3 seconds
- takes a few steps forward while holding onto our hands
- creeps and crawls
- makes different sounds like "ma", "da", "di"
- picks up a small object using her pincer grasp
- passes an object from one hand to another hand
- feeds herself a small puff (previously she could only eat a big piece of biscuit)
- holds her own bottle for a while

She loves the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" as Ian and I had been singing this to her quite often.  She also loves the song "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star".  In fact, I think that she loves to hear us sing to her!

Unlike Ian, Isabelle experiences a pretty severe stranger anxiety.  The moment someone other than her Daddy or Mommy carries her, she will wail very loudly.  So far, only one of our friends has managed to carry her around.  When we are outside, she will also turn around to check who is carrying her once in a while.  If it is someone who is not her Daddy or Mommy, she will start her crying antics again.  Even when she is at home, she often needs our company, to be next to her.  Sometimes in the middle of her sleep, she will wake up and check that we are still beside her, before going back to sleep again.  Hubby and I thought that perhaps she feels insecure, and hence, always wants our assurance.

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