In Ian's 7th week, life had been eventful. We were both physically exhausted - hubby from work and waking up at night to care for Ian, and myself from taking care of Ian.
To begin with, last Sunday had been a double celebration: it was my birthday and also my first year celebrating Mother's Day as a mommy.
Because Ian had been crying a lot, vomitting, and being cranky at night (and daytime too), we were a bit worried whether there was some problem. So, hubby decided it was time to pay the doctor a visit. He took urgent leave on Monday to bring us to the SBCC branch at AMK to see a PD. It turned out that the suspected ailment was colic, so we had to try giving Ian ridwind drops to see if the situation improved. Thank God, his vomitting stopped. We also made sure to burp him for a longer period and to make sure that we do not move him too much after his meals, and if possible, to sit him upright for a while before putting him back to bed. Ian has also resumed his nightly beauty sleeps - waking up only for his feed and not being cranky after it so that his parents can catch some sleep. The only thing is, he seems to enjoy being carried in our arms so much so that he does not sleep for long in the day before he cries for another hug again.
Some updates on Ian's progress:
- My boy has finally smiled at me, though only for a fleeting moment. He smiles a lot in his sleep, and my Mom says that this baby is having a dream that he's playing in a garden. *LOL*
- On his belly, his feet are starting to kick against the bed, instead of kicking backwards into the air. Right now, he does not know how to use his arms for crawling. Still waiting for his arms to learn how to coordinate with his legs so that he can crawl forward.
- Already hit (and passed) the 5kg mark - has outgrown his newborn garments and NB diapers (tried Pampers, Mamy Poko, and Drypers). He is now trying out Petpet - bought S size by mistake because it can only fit up to 6kg. His poo leaks because the diaper is a tad small! Soon, he is going to try out the new economical Pampers that just hit the market - in M size!