This afternoon, our family made a trip to TMC for my 24th week checkup. It was quite a long wait and I was almost the last patient to go in.
Quick stats:
My weight: 52.6kg
Baby Princess: 697g
During the scan, her head was on top (unlike Ian, who was always in the "good position" with his head down). Dr also attempted to show us her face which was facing us in the machine. Dr said that our baby's weight was "good", meaning she would not be a small baby at birth, and she would be like Ian (above 3kg), growing at this rate.
I seriously think I need to cut down on Anmum and switch to low-fat milk or calcium tablets, so that I will have an easier time during labour!
Ever since I fully recovered from my prolonged cough at around the beginning of February, my tonics include birdnest, cordyceps, and
chi2 di3 sheng4 taken on a weekly rotational basis. Occasionally, I also drink chicken essence, or red date and longan tea, for an extra energy boost. Hopefully, this princess will have a stronger immunity than her brother who has been a constant prey to flu and cough since the beginning of last year.