I think it is a common ailment with new mummies - an addiction for shopping. Maybe because we are confined to home most of the time, we compensate for it by going online to shop! My loots - acquired and accumulated over the entire month of June - were delivered by the DHL courier guy this morning. I have just sent these items for shipping to SG on Tuesday morning and they are here today. Thumbs up for Borderlinx/DHL service!
My parcels arrived in one humongous plastic bag - all eight of them...

CDs for Ian! These two (hard-to-find) CDs supposedly contain classical pieces which are digitally engineered to contain low frequency sounds like heartbeats, and subliminal messages to teach phonics, alphabets, counting, etc. They sound just like ordinary classical music (but al
l are masterpieces by various composers). I'm not sure if it works, but I guess there's no harm in listening to classical music.

My loots from Amazon - more bottles (I'm going for BPA-free this time round!), another Mozart Effects CD (which has rave reviews on its soothing effect to make babies sleepy), and a new toy for Ian - Baby Einstein Takealong Tunes, which is like a mini MP3 player that plays seven classical tunes from Mozart, Chopin, etc. Hopefully, it can entertain him a little when we are on-the-go!

My LeapFrog books came in an oversized box, which is typical of LeapFrog's packaging style. These were bought during their sale and cost only USD$3.99 each! Local stores are selling at $29.90!

My (or rather, Ian's) Little Touch system came with 3 books - the standard
One Bear In A Bedroom,
Lulu the Letter Spinning Spider, and
Animal World. After adding all the shipping charges (US domestic and international freight), it was not even S$50. What a steal!

I spent some time playing the system with Ian this afternoon. It seemed that I was the one who enjoyed the system more than my boy!
Old Navy loots again! They were giving free shipping for any amount purchased, and so I grabbed this chance to buy some socks for baby and clothes for myself. Really like the quality (and pricing) of their goods.

My first purchase from Target.com - sleepsuits, rompers and BabyLegs for Ian. The sleepsuits are of very good quality!

Duh... hubby says Ian has enough toys already. *Hint hint*