Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bye Bye, Chicken Pox

Ian returned to his PD for a review on his Chicken Pox this morning.  When we saw Dr, she had already prepared all the letters as she was confident that Ian had recovered.  He still had a spot on his cheek but Dr thought that it was probably an insect bite.  The marks on his limbs had fully disappeared.  Dr endorsed the letter for him to return to school on Monday.  She also said that Ian would not need the 2nd dose of Chicken Pox vaccine, since he had caught it.

Since Ian was well enough, we also got him vaccinated for Hep A (we had been procrastinating on this for a long time).  Ian cried briefly but had soon forgotten about the pain.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chicken Pox - Part 2

Ian was supposed to get certified to have recovered from his Chicken Pox before returning to school after CNY.  We brought him back to the PD for a review this evening.

Unfortunately, the doctor thought that he should still remain at home because the spots on his body had not fully healed.  We also noticed new spots on his limbs but it was uncertain whether they were due to Chicken Pox or because of an allergy (he ate some scallops over the CNY).  The doctor prescribed a steroid cream which was to be mixed with the Physiogel cream and then applied over the whole body.

We had obtained another 6 days of MC, and would need to return for a review again this Sunday.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I Love Puzzles

Ian has been learning how to piece up simple jigsaw puzzles, progressing gradually from 3 pieces to 5-6 pieces.  The below videos were filmed on 19 Jan.  Enjoy...



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ian's Bike

Whenever Ian sees another child riding a bike, we noticed a longing look in his eyes.  We have scouted Kiddy Palace and NTUC Xtra for a suitable bike and nearly bought one from the latter.

One fine day in Dec 09, we passed by a neighbourhood shop and saw one that was similar to what we had wanted to buy and it was also slightly cheaper (with a little haggling).  Hence, we decided to buy it and brought it along to ECP.  Unfortunately, the carpark was full and we made a u-turn home. 

Ian does not know how to peddle yet and there is a handle at the back for an adult to push the rider around.  To this date, the bike has only made a maiden appearance along the corridor outside our house.  Hopefully, there will be more chances to bring it out for Ian to enjoy.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Oh No!!!! Chicken Pox

As I was about to leave the house to fetch Ian from the childcare, his teacher called me and asked if I were on my way.  She said that Ian had small spots on his hands and body.

When I picked up Ian, the teacher showed me where she saw the rashes.  We did not think that the rashes were serious, but we had to get a 'certificate of fitness', or whatever you called it, for Ian to return to school. On the way to the clinic, I picked up Hubby from his office.

The folks at the clinic were rather surprised to see us again, within a short span of one or two weeks.  When we told the nurse that Ian was suspected to have chicken pox, she took us to the other room to wait for the doctor.  The doctor scrutinized the spots on Ian's body and concluded that it was indeed chicken pox, though it was only a mild breakout.  We had to thank the one dose of vaccine which Ian had taken previously, or else it could probably be more than a few spots now.

The doctor prescribed a small tube of cream for topical application and said that he would probably get a few more spots.  She recommended that we avoided homes which had children and pregnant ladies for this Chinese New Year.  And before going back to school, Ian had to get certified again by the doctor.

Hoping for a speedy recovery for Ian!
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