Friday, February 28, 2014

Activity Books Completed in February 2014

#1. Chinese Sticker Books
These were not new to Isabelle as she had completed similar books last year.  Surprisingly, they appealed to Ian as well, and he eagerly "helped" her with some of the pages.

#2. Chinese Tracing Book
A book for Belle to practise tracing with a pencil.  Although she could now trace a line quite well, she still could not hold a pencil correctly.

#3. Kumon Let's Cut Paper - Amazing Animals
Isabelle must really loved cutting paper, as this was the 3rd book in the Kumon series on cutting paper that she had completed.  She could do at least 5 sheets per sitting, and she could cut fairly well on the cutting line.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Activity Books Completed in January 2014

#1. Usborne First Sticker Book - Christmas
I could hardly remember when I had purchased this book, but it was dug out of the cupboard recently and was less than half completed.  I had thought that the book was more suitable for Isabelle, however, she had little interest in it.  Hence, Ian benefited and completed the rest of the book.

#2.  Kumon More Let's Cut Paper!
Isabelle finished this book very quickly, even while alternating with a few other cutting books.  She loved to spend her afternoons cutting away, and she could cut the outlines quite neatly.

#3.  Chinese Book for Addition (Age 5)
Ian started to work on this book earlier in 2013, and we only took it out once in a while.  At first, he encountered some difficulty in getting the concepts right.  Now that he was going into K2, his math concept seemed to have improved.  I also wondered if the improvement was partly due to the commencement of his math enrichment class since December last year?  Towards the last few pages of the book, he could mentally calculate the sums quickly.  It was a far cry from just a few months ago (as recent as last November), when he had to put out his fingers and toes as his counting aids.

#4. Usborne Sports Sticker Book
Completed by Ian!  One of the things that could make him sit down quietly and finish his own things without giving us a headache with his antics.

#5. Kumon My Book of Pasting
One of the best-loved book by Ian.  He requested to do this daily, so I used it as a reward/motivation for completing the other tasks that I had prepared.

#6. Kumon Let's Fold
In comparison with Ian when he went through this book, Isabelle displayed more interest/flair in folding paper.  However, her interest was rather short-lived.  Towards the end of the book, she required a lot of help to complete, and we observed that she was more interested in cutting paper.

#7. Chinese Book for Drawing
Purchased this book specially for Ian to practise his drawing.  We stopped for a few months as the book went missing among the mess in our room.  I recently dug it out for him to complete, and I had noticed that his drawing had improved over the few months.

#8. Chinese Sticker Book
Another one of the sticker books for Isabelle.

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