Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ian's Progress @ 2 Yrs 2 Months

Ian has made our day when he managed to say "apple juice".  This marks a progress in his speech development, because previously he has not been able to pronounce 3 syllables together.  However, he is still unable to say "banana" (it becomes "ba-nan").  He is able to join 2 words together, eg. "sit down", "stand up".   Ian is also able to "sing" the song "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", albeit with missing words here and there.  Hubby commented that he seemed to know more things than we thought!

Although he has been able to walk up and down the stairs independently many months ago, we have always held his hand at the stairs after he fell and cut his lips in late February.  As it was a milestone that he has to go through, Hubby decided to let him climb down independently again.  He was able to do so and has been wanting to do it on his own ever since.

Ian also surprised us a few days ago, when he pulled our bedroom door open.  He has been able to push a door open for a few months, but never managed to pull open a door.  Perhaps he has grown tall enough to do so now?  We will need to guard our main door more closely now, just in case he opens the door to a stranger!

Our little toddler is also getting pretty aggressive.  Whenever we are in the car, he will point to the CD player to indicate that he wants his nursery rhymes on.  When we reject his request, he will throw a tantrum and kick the seat in front of him.  His bad temper is getting more and more noticeable.  Help!

He has also become a choosy toddler.  His favourite cartoon character now is probably Doraemon, and keeps wanting to wear the Doraemon pajamas which his Por Por has bought for him for the HK trip.  He also likes to choose the DVD that he is going to watch and throws a tantrum when he does not get what he wants.  What a bad-tempered kid, eh?

Other little achivements:
- Recites 1-10 in Chinese and Japanese
- Recognises the numeral "10"
- Can count up to perhaps 14
- Learnt new shapes: crescent and diamond

The little destroyer also likes to tear up paper and books.  I wonder why, because I took good care of my belongings when I was a kid...

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