Friday, February 25, 2011

Shopping Spree On A Friday Night

This evening, I drove Ian to pick up Hubby from Orchard.  It was my first "lone venture" to the town without Hubby sitting next to me.  I was grateful that Ian did not create much trouble for me on the way.  Just when we arrived, it started to drizzle and luckily, Hubby was able to leave.  Hubby took over the steering wheel and we went to Wheelock for a sushi dinner (my dose of fish). 

After dinner, we walked to Isetan to check out the toilet seat cover and if they were having any good buys.  It was quite lucky that there was a Little Tots Fair and most brands that we wanted to buy were on a 20% sale, though Medela was only a 15%.  We figured that it was not worth waiting for the private sale which might have an additional 10%, since we were not buying big ticket items.  It was also difficult to shop with a little monster running around the store.

Hubby saw the toilet seat cover, and decided not to get it since it was thrice the price of a cheaper brand that we saw at NTUC.  While the men hanged out at toys department, I shopped for things we needed, like Ian's bottle teats, brush and took a look at their Nuk bottles for our second one.  We had decided not to get the Dr Brown's bottles that served us well when Ian was born, simply because there were too many parts to wash.  We also wanted to try the wide-neck bottle for our next child.  After checking out reviews from other moms, I narrowed down the choices to Nuk and Avent, and decided to try out Nuk because of their special teats, and also because Avent's PP bottles (those that reportedly did not leak) had an extra sealing ring (meaning, one more part to watch out for).

In the meanwhile, Ian had grabbed himself a box of Lego - the real Lego, not his Mega Bloks sitting at home.  Hubby had been meaning to get this for him as there were more things to build with them as compared to our Mega Bloks.  I think he really enjoyed shopping for a toy because he showed us such a sweet and happy smile when we agreed to let him carry the box around the store.

On the way to the cashier, we found the Nuk bottles on bundled sale in the "Sales" section.  One pack contained 2 big and 2 small bottles (~$50).  I thought that we could skip the small bottles altogether, since these were BPA-free and we did not have to replace them so frequently.  Another bundle contained 4 big bottles in Disney Pooh designs, 2 Disney pacifiers, and a pack of 5 white onesies ($63).  I had originally wanted to get the bottles from Amazon, but figured this deal was quite worthwhile since there was no risk of a surprise on the shipping weight.  The onesies were rather redundant, but it came with the bundle.

All in all, what we have bought - and paid only $5+ thanks for a lot of vouchers...

A happy boy with his new toy...

And a surprise goodie bag from Isetan! I only knew about it upon leaving the store, because Hubby took care of the payment while I distracted Ian elsewhere.  Avent pacifiers, a disc, Goldbug socks and headband (nice, so I do not have to buy these), Goo.n diaper sample, a pack of Combi wet wipes, and some other miscellaneous samples from Pigeon and Nuk.  Not sure what qualified our purchase for the gift, but it was a welcomed surprise.

On our way back, we agreed that we did not have the energy to shop at crowded sales nowadays, even if there was a better discount at card member sales.  I felt quite tired after standing around for that "long".  It was good to start buying the things we needed for our second child, so that it would not be so tiring towards the end to buy at one shot.  (Friends, hand-me-downs are most welcomed too!)

1 comment:

Funny pictures said...

It is very good information. Thanks for sharing.

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