However, just like last month, he is a bit cranky after the jabs. It is fortunate that hubby is on leave today.
Here are Ian's latest stats:
- Height: 66cm
- Weight: 7.06kg
We also asked about his flat head, but Dr said that it is quite normal that the head may not be symmetrical, but later on this will be concealed by hair. But, we need to let Ian sleep on the left side more frequently.
Dr also mentioned that it is better to delay feeding cereal until the 5th or 6th month, so as to avoid triggering allergy. And, it is OK to continue the stage 1 milk or to move on to the stage 2, which contains more protein.
We grabbed our lunch at AMK hub and passed by Fox Baby. It was having a storewide 50% sale, so we bought a shirt and pant set for Ian, for less than $10. This is a size 12-18m, so it will go to the wardrobe for a while.

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