As of tomorrow, 29 September 2008, Ian officially turns 6 months old.
We took him to Dr Ong's clinic on Friday morning for his Hep B jab and also for his 6 month assessment.
His latest vital statistics:
Ian did not cry this time when Dr Ong administered the jab. Because some mummies from the forum actually recommended giving colostrum as a supplement, so I asked Dr about it. He did not encourage giving any supplement to such a young baby. We also asked about bringing baby to swim in a public pool, and expressed our concern about exposing baby to chlorine, but he said that the chlorine was to kill germs in the water. He also said that it was OK to let baby swim in a swimming pool after he reached 6 months.
He said that Ian could eat up to 3 tablespoons of cereal now. And we could give him water that was 1/3 of the portion of his solid food intake.
We took him to Dr Ong's clinic on Friday morning for his Hep B jab and also for his 6 month assessment.
His latest vital statistics:
- Weight: 8.3kg (75th percentile)
- Height: 69cm (90th percentile)
- Head circumference: 43.3cm (Average)
- Sit independently - Will bend forward for a while, before toppling over
- Sit with support - Yes
- Roll over - Only from back to tummy
- Pass an object from one hand to another hand - Yes
- Eyes follow object - Yes
- Mumbles "ma", "da" - Yes
- Pulls him up with his 2 arms with his head in line with his chest (no head lag)
- While supporting him loosely from his underarms, he can stand with his own weight on both legs
Ian did not cry this time when Dr Ong administered the jab. Because some mummies from the forum actually recommended giving colostrum as a supplement, so I asked Dr about it. He did not encourage giving any supplement to such a young baby. We also asked about bringing baby to swim in a public pool, and expressed our concern about exposing baby to chlorine, but he said that the chlorine was to kill germs in the water. He also said that it was OK to let baby swim in a swimming pool after he reached 6 months.
He said that Ian could eat up to 3 tablespoons of cereal now. And we could give him water that was 1/3 of the portion of his solid food intake.