I am finally back after a short hiatus from blogging. Both hubby and I have been bogged down by work due to tight project schedules (what's new?), and we are almost taking turns to do our work at home, while the other party takes care of Ian.
Anyway, Ian will be turning 8 months old this weekend. Time really flies... and here are the events in our family for the past 2 weeks.
Y for YoghurtThe super baby food book recommends yoghurt for babies above 7 months old, hence, we bought a small tub for Ian to try. Although we do not like plain yoghurt at all, Ian finished the whole tub over a period of 4 days. Although he did not mind eating whatever amount that we gave him, he gave us a "yucks" expression for every mouthful of it.
C for CarrotWe bought a pack of organic carrots from NTUC to let Ian start on this nutritious vegetable. When I mentioned to his nanny to start giving him carrots, I was surprised to find out that she had already introduced carrots to Ian (without our knowledge). Anyway, we passed the whole bag of organic carrots to her so that she could add it into his diet. I was glad to know that she knew not to give it to Ian everyday.
Other new food that we have let Ian try are pear, Gerber canned peach puree and Frisocream wheat-based cereal. He loves the Frisocream the most. I let him try another slice of papaya, mixed into the Frisocream cereal, and Ian accepted the taste this time round.
Cough, Cough
Ian suffered from a cough last week and there was an unmistakable hint of phlegm in his coughing sound. On Thursday, his nanny said that when he wanted to cry, no voice came out of his mouth. She suspected that he was having a sore throat and blamed it on the brown rice powder that I had prepared (since I fried-dry the grains before milling). Anyway, we took leave on Friday to bring Ian to see a PD.
Seeing a PD was not an easy task either. Ian's fave Dr Ong was on a long vacation unfortunately, and we had to visit the AMK branch. We went around noon but the clinic was packed. The nurse almost 'warned' us that they had already rejected some walk-in patients, and she would not be fair if she were to let us in. Anyway, she squeezed us into an evening slot.
Since we still had the whole afternoon to waste, we decided to try another PD at Sembawang Kidslink. It was a good decision. The female PD was very friendly, detailed and she answered many of our questions without the usual 'rush' which we had experienced with other doctors. She gave 2 bottles of syrup medication to treat Ian's cough and phlegm. And thank God, Ian recovered by Tuesday.
He Is A Little Creeper and CruiserIan is officially crawling on all fours now, and is getting adept at it. Or rather, this type of movement is more aptly called "creeping" in cross-pattern, according to the GD book.
He can also stand up without our help by 'scaling' the walls like a lizard. Just this morning, we found him standing in his playpen. Somehow, he has managed to 'scale' the walls of the playpen, reach the top edge and pull himself up. He has also began to cruise around the edge of his playpen. With his new found skills, Ian must be enjoying the new views now.
Tough Luck for the MommyMy head suffered a knock against the shower tap on Monday, and caused a 'bah luku' within minutes. Hubby rushed back from office to bring me to the doctor. The doc asked whether I would like to go to A&E instead, but later on decided to let me observe for 2 days since I could still talk coherently. On the second day, I was still feeling giddy (perhaps due to fatigue accumulated over the past weeks). So, hubby took me to see our usual GP. She prescribed a gel to be applied on the swell and she mentioned that if I left it alone, the bump might become a permanent one.
His First Words?On one of those days when I fetched Ian home without hubby's help, Ian was getting cranky at my mom's place while I was still having my dinner. He started yelling and to our surprise, he said "回家" (go home)! It might have been a coincidence that he babbled a sound like that, but my mom heard it too, and said that Ian was hurrying me to bring him home to sleep.
Ian, Ian, when will you call "Mummy"?