Quick statistics:
Weight: 12.6kg
Height: ~88cm
Dietary Habits
He has been sharing all our food except for seafood. He is a rather fussy eater, and loves junk food (eg. chocolate, chips, crackers) and fish balls. We are trying to change his diet to become more like ours, i.e. having bread for breakfast and noodles for lunch. As he still cannot eat much from our plate, we try to let him have at least a full meal of porridge at least once a day.
One thing we have noticed is that he loves fish. However, the fish must be cooked just right. Otherwise, it will risk his rejection!
We have also stopped bringing milk powder on trips. Instead, we will pack a packet of milo or UHT milk into the diaper bag for him to drink when he is hungry. He loves milo and the chocolate UHT milk, and we are going to order one whole carton of milk for him next month as it is a lot cheaper. Ian is also 'outgrowing' the baby biscuit balls and prefers crackers which has more munch.
His speech is still limited to a few vocabulary. Finally, he has started to call "Mummy", "Daddy", and "Por Por". It is a challenge to make him talk, and now, we are resorting to 'bribery', ie. to make him talk before he gets what he wants. Hopefully, he will become more talkative when he starts childcare.
Motor Development
He has been imitating us:
- talking on the phone
- taking the screwdriver out and pretending to use it
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Since I started to look after Ian full-time, I introduced the lego blocks (passed down from his cousins) to Ian. It took Ian some time to figure out how to join up the little blocks. Now, he spends part of his daily routine playing with these blocks. Whenever he feels like playing with them, he will push out the lego cart. Once he is done with them, he will keep the blocks and push the cart back into his room.
His latest work...
Ian demonstrating how to stack a tower!
His latest work...
Ian demonstrating how to stack a tower!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Cinderella Man
As the old story was told, poor "Cinderella" had been made to clean the floor...
But in this version, our little "Cinderella" had dirtied the floor with the crayons, so he must clean up his own mess. Muahahaha...
But in this version, our little "Cinderella" had dirtied the floor with the crayons, so he must clean up his own mess. Muahahaha...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Quilt For Ian - Part I
My first quilt project for Ian. The quilts from my Mom did not have a batting layer so we thought of making a warmer quilt for the air-con room.
During Hubby's leave, we visited Spotlight to get the materials...
During Hubby's leave, we visited Spotlight to get the materials...
A panel fabric that will save me a lot of quilting work. It costs a bomb though - $16+ for one such piece of cloth.
A batting for warmth, and 3m of flannel fabric.
We had contemplated whether to get a quilt off the shelves but seeing that the quilt cover sets were normally pretty costly, we decided to DIY. The 3 pieces of materials burst my budget as they cost well over $80. The batting had no price tag on it so we enquired the staff. Little did we expect that the staff had misinformed us that there was a discount on top of the price she quoted. When we paid, the first shock came as I had thought that the panel fabric was $9.95 (assumed so because another design was at this price). The second shock was the high price of the batting. We bought them anyway because Ian had been super cranky and hubby was super tired tackling him. We just wanted to go home asap. On the way back, we concluded that it was probably cheaper to ship it from overseas.
I was only able to complete the front portion of the quilt before Hubby's leave was abruptly ended. Look out for part II as the story continues...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Back to Our Usual Days
For over the past one week, our family enjoyed some time being together. This was why I had not been on the net most of the time.
Initially, hubby asked if I would like to go for a short trip during his leave as he was afraid that I would be too bored being coped up at home all the time. We dropped this idea after considering that we needed to be thrifty with only one income now, and it was too troublesome to bring Ian along because he was still not able to satisfy a complete meal by eating from our plates.
We had planned quite a few activities to be done during this short break, eg. bringing Ian to swim, to the Sembawang Shopping Centre Splash Park, to the beach to play with sand, to take a family portrait, to rearrange the study room, etc. Out of all these, we only managed to clear the storeroom, rearranged the kitchen with a new shelf from Ikea, brought Ian to the Splash Park, shopped during weekdays at Metro and John Little, had our haircuts, and went for grocery trips on weekday mornings! I also managed to start on a quilt blanket which I had hoped to finish before hubby returned to work.
Unexpectedly, we could only execute part of our plans and hubby's maternal grandfather passed away mid last week and he had to shuttle to and fro the funeral. The other bomb came over the weekends as hubby received an SMS from his boss to cut short his leave and return to work this week, instead of next week. It was not a welcomed surprise as we hardly had time to rest after the funeral was over, and also because this was a long-awaited break, after being busy for more than one year without taking any long leave. I felt quite frustrated that because we were not able to go overseas, (1) his leaves could be cancelled easily and (2) his phone rung everyday because he was in SG.
All we could hope for the next long break in December would be undisturbed...AND that his phone would stop ringing!!!
Initially, hubby asked if I would like to go for a short trip during his leave as he was afraid that I would be too bored being coped up at home all the time. We dropped this idea after considering that we needed to be thrifty with only one income now, and it was too troublesome to bring Ian along because he was still not able to satisfy a complete meal by eating from our plates.
We had planned quite a few activities to be done during this short break, eg. bringing Ian to swim, to the Sembawang Shopping Centre Splash Park, to the beach to play with sand, to take a family portrait, to rearrange the study room, etc. Out of all these, we only managed to clear the storeroom, rearranged the kitchen with a new shelf from Ikea, brought Ian to the Splash Park, shopped during weekdays at Metro and John Little, had our haircuts, and went for grocery trips on weekday mornings! I also managed to start on a quilt blanket which I had hoped to finish before hubby returned to work.
Unexpectedly, we could only execute part of our plans and hubby's maternal grandfather passed away mid last week and he had to shuttle to and fro the funeral. The other bomb came over the weekends as hubby received an SMS from his boss to cut short his leave and return to work this week, instead of next week. It was not a welcomed surprise as we hardly had time to rest after the funeral was over, and also because this was a long-awaited break, after being busy for more than one year without taking any long leave. I felt quite frustrated that because we were not able to go overseas, (1) his leaves could be cancelled easily and (2) his phone rung everyday because he was in SG.
All we could hope for the next long break in December would be undisturbed...AND that his phone would stop ringing!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Splash Park, Here We Come Again
On the last day of Hubby's leave, we spent our idyllic afternoon at Sembawang Shopping Centre again. It was one of the tasks which we had planned to complete during his leave - to bring Ian to the splash park again.
Since Ian did not want to sleep, we brought him out at 3 plus, hoping to avoid the crowd. To our surprise, the park was not in operation. It was only then that we learnt that the park did not operate from 2pm-5pm!!! We spent some time having our afternoon tea break at Kopitiam and then Daiso.
At 5pm, we returned to the park. To our dismay, there was quite a crowd despite it being a weekday afternoon! This time round, we were prepared with Ian's thermal suit. Ian was thrilled with the water plays, as usual.
After letting him play for almost an hour, it was still hard to pull him away. He made a scene and refused to go and I guess hubby was the only one who could handle this cranky kid.
Since Ian did not want to sleep, we brought him out at 3 plus, hoping to avoid the crowd. To our surprise, the park was not in operation. It was only then that we learnt that the park did not operate from 2pm-5pm!!! We spent some time having our afternoon tea break at Kopitiam and then Daiso.
At 5pm, we returned to the park. To our dismay, there was quite a crowd despite it being a weekday afternoon! This time round, we were prepared with Ian's thermal suit. Ian was thrilled with the water plays, as usual.
After letting him play for almost an hour, it was still hard to pull him away. He made a scene and refused to go and I guess hubby was the only one who could handle this cranky kid.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Ian Is 18 Months Old
Ian had his 18 month vaccines done at Dr Ong's clinic this morning, accompanied by the 18 month checkup done by the nurse.
We expressed our concern on his speech ability because he was still unable to talk much, but they reassured us that boys were generally slower. The nurse recommended us to put him into a childcare, because most children progressed by leaps and bounds after a few weeks in the childcare centres.
His weight and height measured 12.3kg and 85cm respectively, which was in the range of 90th percentile. Although he had not gained much weight for the past 2 months or so, Dr was not worried because his weight was in the top range of the age group.
Once again, Dr reiterated the importance of introducing a wide variety of food, and to supplement more solid food with his usual porridge. He also reiterated that at this age, milk was not so important because he could absorb the nutrients from other food. We would have to work on getting him to eat less soupy stuff because till now, he had a preference for porridge over rice. Dr also gave us a tip: we could train him to eat anything by persistently giving it to him everyday for 2 weeks. So far, we had let him try a little spicy food and he showed no sign of rejection!
His milestones:
- Able to speak some words at whim: Daddy, baby, milk, "na2" (mandarin for "take"), ball, please, thank you, mum mum, up, two, dog, cat, book, shoe, bike, more, bye.
- Able to use a crayon/pen/pencil and scribble. However, he still doesn't differentiate between scribbling on a paper and on the table.
- Able to keep his toys upon Daddy's order.
- Able to tell us what he wants by pointing and saying "na2".
- Able to throw up a ball and hit it from mid-air.
- Likes to flip books.
- Able to use a fork to eat. However, he is still not dexterous with a spoon.
- Able to sort shapes with the shape sorting toy.
- Kicks objects on the floor, not just balls.
- Able to blow bubbles.
- Able to take off pants though not very skillful at it yet. Able to take off one side of his diaper. Can pull up his shirt but that's it.
- Has a lot of temper tantrums! Is this the onset of the "terrible two"?
- Able to brush the front teeth on his own.
- Able to run to his little putty when he needs to poo.
- Puts his finger to his mouth and says "shhh".
- Unfortunately, he does not always respond well to instructions. It helps to show him the 'cane'.
- Takes things apart and attempts to put back together.
- Understands what is "throw away" by taking the object to the rubbish bin and throw into it, and what is "wash hand".
- Understands some of his body parts like "mouth", "ear", "head".
- Loves to jump with both feet (and it is causing a headache to us sometimes).
- Able to take off his shoes though he needs help putting them on.
- Imitated us and now he knows how to play his favourite VCD before his mealtimes.
- Able to stack rings without help.
- Able to blow his nose with a tissue.
We are still trying to teach him to put things back to where they belong, and sometimes, he will throw a tantrum and refuse to follow our instruction. We discovered that his temper is especially short when he is tired and at such times, it is best to make him take a nap. Also, Ian tends to obey his Daddy more and is starting to walk all over his Mummy. Sigh sigh sigh...
We expressed our concern on his speech ability because he was still unable to talk much, but they reassured us that boys were generally slower. The nurse recommended us to put him into a childcare, because most children progressed by leaps and bounds after a few weeks in the childcare centres.
His weight and height measured 12.3kg and 85cm respectively, which was in the range of 90th percentile. Although he had not gained much weight for the past 2 months or so, Dr was not worried because his weight was in the top range of the age group.
Once again, Dr reiterated the importance of introducing a wide variety of food, and to supplement more solid food with his usual porridge. He also reiterated that at this age, milk was not so important because he could absorb the nutrients from other food. We would have to work on getting him to eat less soupy stuff because till now, he had a preference for porridge over rice. Dr also gave us a tip: we could train him to eat anything by persistently giving it to him everyday for 2 weeks. So far, we had let him try a little spicy food and he showed no sign of rejection!
His milestones:
- Able to speak some words at whim: Daddy, baby, milk, "na2" (mandarin for "take"), ball, please, thank you, mum mum, up, two, dog, cat, book, shoe, bike, more, bye.
- Able to use a crayon/pen/pencil and scribble. However, he still doesn't differentiate between scribbling on a paper and on the table.
- Able to keep his toys upon Daddy's order.
- Able to tell us what he wants by pointing and saying "na2".
- Able to throw up a ball and hit it from mid-air.
- Likes to flip books.
- Able to use a fork to eat. However, he is still not dexterous with a spoon.
- Able to sort shapes with the shape sorting toy.
- Kicks objects on the floor, not just balls.
- Able to blow bubbles.
- Able to take off pants though not very skillful at it yet. Able to take off one side of his diaper. Can pull up his shirt but that's it.
- Has a lot of temper tantrums! Is this the onset of the "terrible two"?
- Able to brush the front teeth on his own.
- Able to run to his little putty when he needs to poo.
- Puts his finger to his mouth and says "shhh".
- Unfortunately, he does not always respond well to instructions. It helps to show him the 'cane'.
- Takes things apart and attempts to put back together.
- Understands what is "throw away" by taking the object to the rubbish bin and throw into it, and what is "wash hand".
- Understands some of his body parts like "mouth", "ear", "head".
- Loves to jump with both feet (and it is causing a headache to us sometimes).
- Able to take off his shoes though he needs help putting them on.
- Imitated us and now he knows how to play his favourite VCD before his mealtimes.
- Able to stack rings without help.
- Able to blow his nose with a tissue.
We are still trying to teach him to put things back to where they belong, and sometimes, he will throw a tantrum and refuse to follow our instruction. We discovered that his temper is especially short when he is tired and at such times, it is best to make him take a nap. Also, Ian tends to obey his Daddy more and is starting to walk all over his Mummy. Sigh sigh sigh...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Beginning of A New Journey
Yesterday, I have finally bade farewell to my company of 7 years, after rounds of debates and contemplations. It was for the good of our family, to take Ian home for some discipline and also in the hope of helping him to learn more things than being at the babysitter's. It was also for the mental and physical well-being of both hubby and I, for me to take a break from the stressful work and to play a greater part in taking care of the household.
My last day at work was a hectic one, as I had to uninstall all the softwares that did not come with the laptop, wipe out my personal data, reset the user profiles, backup my emails, say goodbyes to my users and my good colleagues, and lastly, to rush back to the headquarters to return my assets and get the clearance forms signed.
Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in our family, as I converts to a full-time home-maker. For the time-being, I will take a short break to rejuvenate myself, while gradually adapting to my new lifestyle.
My last day at work was a hectic one, as I had to uninstall all the softwares that did not come with the laptop, wipe out my personal data, reset the user profiles, backup my emails, say goodbyes to my users and my good colleagues, and lastly, to rush back to the headquarters to return my assets and get the clearance forms signed.
Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in our family, as I converts to a full-time home-maker. For the time-being, I will take a short break to rejuvenate myself, while gradually adapting to my new lifestyle.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
An Idylic Sunday
The three of us spent an idylic Sunday afternoon since we had no plans to venture out. Early in the morning, I had prepared the almond tofu jelly and hubby and I enjoyed it with a can of longans (courtesy of my mom) after a simple home-made lunch. Ian did not particularly like the jelly though he took a few mouthfuls of it.
Since Ian refused to have his beauty sleep this afternoon, and remembering that a fellow forumer friend had recommended this new spot for kids, we decided to bring Ian out.
Tada... the splash park on the top floor of the newly renovated Sembawang Shopping Centre. We had long-forgotten this shopping centre since it had closed down for renovations for a long time. In the olden days before we had Ian, we would take the free shuttle bus there for our grocery shopping when we had nothing better to do. It seemed such a long time ago!
The long queue to get into the carpark came as quite a surprise to us, because we had never expected that such a secluded place would attract such a crowd. And ironically, the mall itself was not too crowded. The revamp was a nice move. It had many new additions, such as Daiso, Sakae Sushi, and a few other eateries. The Giant supermart was still around. :)
Ian thoroughly enjoyed himself at the splash park. It was much bigger in scale than we had expected. We had not been prepared that Ian would be wet from head to toe, and hence, we did not bring along a towel. But luckily, we had a spare set of clothings for him.
Ian never seemed to get bored of playing with the water fountains there. It was a challenge to pull him away from the splash area.
Last but not the least, enjoy a short clip of Ian in action!
SSC Splash
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Recently, Ian has mastered the skill of blowing, from a whistle, party blowouts, and even a recorder. We have been teaching him how to blow air from his mouth from January this year, and finally he did it. Hooray for Ian!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
One Month to 18
Ian turns 17 months today!
Unfortunately, he had a fever yesterday evening. When his nanny informed us at 6 plus, we quickly made our way home to pick him up and visited Dr Goh right away. Since the nanny said he was having a diarrhoea as well, Dr Goh diagnosed that the fever had to do with it and there was no worry for vomitting. Fortunately, Ian recovered fully today after a few doses of panacetamol. He also did not pass any motion for the whole day even though we did not feed him the medicine for diarrhoea.
During the doctor's visit, Ian had his vital stats checked again. As of 17 months, he weighs 12.4kg and stands at 84cm tall. We are pleased that he has finally crossed the 12kg mark, after remaining stagnant at 11kg for the past months. Our efforts to feed him more food has finally paid off.
17 Months
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Budding Artist?

We made a trip down to Ikea this afternoon to source for a table for Ian. We finally chose a white table to go with the colours of our home. At the same time, we also bought a stack of drawing papers for Ian to doodle on, as I have already prepared a pack of Crayola crayons for him from a recent spree at Joann.
We did not buy the matching chairs with the table, because Ian's cousin Terrin has passed down 2 children chairs.
Back at home, Daddy eagerly assembled the table and let Ian sat at the table to start his artworks. Ian drew all over, from the paper to the table. He appears to love drawing straight on the table! Although the crayons were washable, we found that some of the stains could not be totally gotten rid of. :(
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Bye Bye Music Class
Today marked the last lesson at Kindermusik, which Ian has been going since he turned one. He obviously enjoyed going there for the balls and friends. However, that also meant we had to rush from class to class on Saturdays. After some deliberation, we had decided to give up his music lessons and we believe that whatever else that Ian may be doing, he will enjoy it with his cheery nature.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A Train For...Ahem...Ian

When we got home, Daddy eagerly opened up the box to assemble the tracks. While we enjoyed watching the action, Ian was equally eager to dismantle everything on it!
For the time being, the toy is back into the box again, until Ian is a little bigger to appreciate the fun of it.
Thomas Big Loader
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
New Clothes From Fox
During our routine trip to AMK hub for dinner and groceries, we passed by the Fox outlet there and saw a storewide clearance. Tees were going for 60-70% off, and we enjoyed an additional discount of 10%, thanks to Citibank.

We managed to grab 4 tops for Ian as his current ones were getting too short, exposing his bellybutton on and off. All these costed us exactly $27.

We managed to grab 4 tops for Ian as his current ones were getting too short, exposing his bellybutton on and off. All these costed us exactly $27.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Brace yourself for a surprise, as you are going to see Ian wearing a hairband! He learnt how to put it on his head after I showed him once...hehehe...you are probably thinking that this Mummy is weird, eh?

Thursday, July 23, 2009
My Little Housekeeper
One fine day, about a week ago, Ian picked up the used diaper on the floor from the bedroom, and headed straight to the dustbin in the kitchen without seeking our consent. And to our pleasant surprise, he threw the diaper into the dustbin, and returned to my side.
I thought, "Wow, great!". And for these few days, he has displayed his housekeeping skills. For instance, he will pick up something from the table to play, and then put it back before he goes off. Just 2 mornings ago, he woke up and started to pack his books back into the shelf. He also enjoys picking up dirt from the floor and throwing it into the dustbin.
However, our joy quickly transformed into a headache when he started to throw his toys into the dustbin too. Apparently, he is delighted at throwing things away.
Ian, please stop throwing your toys away!
I thought, "Wow, great!". And for these few days, he has displayed his housekeeping skills. For instance, he will pick up something from the table to play, and then put it back before he goes off. Just 2 mornings ago, he woke up and started to pack his books back into the shelf. He also enjoys picking up dirt from the floor and throwing it into the dustbin.
However, our joy quickly transformed into a headache when he started to throw his toys into the dustbin too. Apparently, he is delighted at throwing things away.
Ian, please stop throwing your toys away!
What Comes After 1?
Ask Ian, and he will answer "two". We have discovered his new found skill just a few days ago. Strangely, this is the only number that he "says". He does not say "one", nor does he say "three".
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Another Shopping Weekend
After Ian's Kindermusik and LNT classes today, we headed down to Robinsons to buy new teats for Ian without knowing whether there was a sale. When we turned into the carpark, we had a feeling that there was no sale since there was no queue to enter.
As Hubby was a little hungry, we had our tea-break at Haagan Daz so as to use up my voucher from Starhub. Ian enjoyed the waffle and chocolate ice-cream very much!
After the ice-cream indulgance, we proceeded to Robinsons to buy whatever we needed. Just before we set our foot inside, we confirmed our suspicion that there was no sale as the store was quite empty. We went in anyway, since we had to get the teats, with or without discount.
Even though the store was quite empty, they did not carry the L-sized teats that we needed! This trip became my personal shopping spree for we left with a pair of wedge pumps for myself. It was on 20% discount, and we had needed to use up another Centrepoint voucher that was going to expire next month. Just after I had paid at the cashier, the cashier informed me that if I was happy with their service, I could 'ring the bell'. I stared at the metal stick that she had pointed to for a few seconds, before I finally figured out what she was trying to tell me. There was a triangle hung up above my head. Anyway, I hit on the triangle using the iron beater which was referred to as a 'bell'. To my pleasant surprise, everyone in the store clapped. It was rather hilarious. Shortly after I left the counter, I heard another chime at the back and another round of applause. Hubby thought that the whole thing looked like an MLM presentation talk. However, it was quite a pleasant idea from the store. This probably made the staff work harder in improving their service.
We headed straight to AMK Hub for an early dinner, to be followed by grocery shopping. We had a pleasant surprise there - there was a huge sale at G2000. There was an additional 25% discount on top of the sale prices. We managed to buy 2 pairs of working pants for $50+, and the total savings reflected in the bill was $60+! It must be the biggest sale we had ever seen at G2000. However, we still did not find the elusive L-sized teats at NTUC!
As Hubby was a little hungry, we had our tea-break at Haagan Daz so as to use up my voucher from Starhub. Ian enjoyed the waffle and chocolate ice-cream very much!
After the ice-cream indulgance, we proceeded to Robinsons to buy whatever we needed. Just before we set our foot inside, we confirmed our suspicion that there was no sale as the store was quite empty. We went in anyway, since we had to get the teats, with or without discount.
Even though the store was quite empty, they did not carry the L-sized teats that we needed! This trip became my personal shopping spree for we left with a pair of wedge pumps for myself. It was on 20% discount, and we had needed to use up another Centrepoint voucher that was going to expire next month. Just after I had paid at the cashier, the cashier informed me that if I was happy with their service, I could 'ring the bell'. I stared at the metal stick that she had pointed to for a few seconds, before I finally figured out what she was trying to tell me. There was a triangle hung up above my head. Anyway, I hit on the triangle using the iron beater which was referred to as a 'bell'. To my pleasant surprise, everyone in the store clapped. It was rather hilarious. Shortly after I left the counter, I heard another chime at the back and another round of applause. Hubby thought that the whole thing looked like an MLM presentation talk. However, it was quite a pleasant idea from the store. This probably made the staff work harder in improving their service.
We headed straight to AMK Hub for an early dinner, to be followed by grocery shopping. We had a pleasant surprise there - there was a huge sale at G2000. There was an additional 25% discount on top of the sale prices. We managed to buy 2 pairs of working pants for $50+, and the total savings reflected in the bill was $60+! It must be the biggest sale we had ever seen at G2000. However, we still did not find the elusive L-sized teats at NTUC!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Another Sewing Project Completed
After procrastinating for several weeks and squeezing hours before bedtime on certain weekends, I have finally completed another sewing project - a purse for lunch! I have been enduring with my draw-string purse bought from Japan for ages, until I could no longer tolerate the hassle of using it. Hence, I have set my mind on making my own pouch.

Verdict: I have been using it for about a week now, and have been pleased with it for it is easier to carry and to retrieve things as compared to my old draw-string purse.

Verdict: I have been using it for about a week now, and have been pleased with it for it is easier to carry and to retrieve things as compared to my old draw-string purse.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Mum Mum Mum
These are the three words heard most frequently from Ian, other than "ball".
Whenever Ian sees something that he wants to eat, he will say "mum mum mum" to tell us to give him some. When he has had enough of something, he will turn his head away to avoid the food, or use his hands to push the spoon away.
These mornings, Ian has been going to the living room to bring his canister of puffs to us, then telling us that he wants to eat it. He is also beginning to realise that it is easier to open the lid and help himself to the puffs instead of asking us for it.
He seems to love these puffs and biscuits more than any other food now. What shall we do with this little boy?
Whenever Ian sees something that he wants to eat, he will say "mum mum mum" to tell us to give him some. When he has had enough of something, he will turn his head away to avoid the food, or use his hands to push the spoon away.
These mornings, Ian has been going to the living room to bring his canister of puffs to us, then telling us that he wants to eat it. He is also beginning to realise that it is easier to open the lid and help himself to the puffs instead of asking us for it.
He seems to love these puffs and biscuits more than any other food now. What shall we do with this little boy?
More Signs
At this month, Ian has began to do more signs although he may not fully understand all the meaning:
- hot
- hat/head
- please
- crackers
- help
These are the signs that he understands:
- more
- ball
- shoes
- milk
- brush teeth
Unfortunately, he still refuses to sign the two words - Daddy and Mommy - that we have been teaching him for months. He has signed them twice and we have not seen him done it again.
We realised that he started to know what are "shoes", when we said the word, and he signed it and ran towards his squeaky shoes. Unfortunately, he does not like other "normal" shoes and will throw a tantrum if we refuse to let him wear his squeaky ones. :(
- hot
- hat/head
- please
- crackers
- help
These are the signs that he understands:
- more
- ball
- shoes
- milk
- brush teeth
Unfortunately, he still refuses to sign the two words - Daddy and Mommy - that we have been teaching him for months. He has signed them twice and we have not seen him done it again.
We realised that he started to know what are "shoes", when we said the word, and he signed it and ran towards his squeaky shoes. Unfortunately, he does not like other "normal" shoes and will throw a tantrum if we refuse to let him wear his squeaky ones. :(
Monday, July 6, 2009
Ian Is 15 Months Old
On 3rd July, we brought Ian back to Dr Ong for his MMR vaccine. Ian was at his usual happy self and enjoyed himself watching other kids and running around the clinic. As usual, his Daddy had a tough time chasing after him. His weight was 11.2 kg, as he lost some weight due to his recent episodes of diarrhoea.
We waited quite a while for our turn as the clinic was overwhelmed with newborns who were given priority. When we finally went into the consultation room, Ian was still very cheerful, up to the moment till he felt the pain on his thigh. However, his cries were shortlived as he stopped immediately when Dr Ong gave him a packet of biscuits. Dr commented that our boy was very practical. As usual, Dr advised us to let him take a wide variety of food, and also gave the green light for honey and Marmite/Bovril. Perhaps one day I will have to resort to these taste enhancers to whet Ian's appetite.
After our business was done at the PD, it was my turn to see Dr Tan for my annual checkup. The wait was incredulously long as usual, and Ian ate up the 2 pieces of biscuits given to him earlier on and also drank some milk. Luckily, the clinic had a play area to keep our little rascal entertained. Surprisingly, Dr Tan still remembered Ian's name and even asked to see him since he was outside. Ian was shy initially, but started to smile too in response to Dr's warm smile. She commented it was good that he was active, tall, but not fat.
We waited quite a while for our turn as the clinic was overwhelmed with newborns who were given priority. When we finally went into the consultation room, Ian was still very cheerful, up to the moment till he felt the pain on his thigh. However, his cries were shortlived as he stopped immediately when Dr Ong gave him a packet of biscuits. Dr commented that our boy was very practical. As usual, Dr advised us to let him take a wide variety of food, and also gave the green light for honey and Marmite/Bovril. Perhaps one day I will have to resort to these taste enhancers to whet Ian's appetite.
After our business was done at the PD, it was my turn to see Dr Tan for my annual checkup. The wait was incredulously long as usual, and Ian ate up the 2 pieces of biscuits given to him earlier on and also drank some milk. Luckily, the clinic had a play area to keep our little rascal entertained. Surprisingly, Dr Tan still remembered Ian's name and even asked to see him since he was outside. Ian was shy initially, but started to smile too in response to Dr's warm smile. She commented it was good that he was active, tall, but not fat.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Sketch, Ian, Sketch
We were shopping at Takashimaya, and discovered the MegaSketch on over 30% discount. Hence, we purchased it, hoping to use it to teach Ian some words and also to let him practise using a pen.

Ian does not really know how to hold the pen properly as he is always holding it upside down. Hopefully, he will learn the proper way in the coming months.

Ian does not really know how to hold the pen properly as he is always holding it upside down. Hopefully, he will learn the proper way in the coming months.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
What A Shock
Yesterday evening, while I was on my way to pick up Ian from the nanny, something unbelievable happened. Perhaps due to the heavy pack of diapers that I was carrying, or perhaps I was too tired, I went to a wrong car which was of a similar colour and make to ours. I routinely pressed the remote key to unlock the car, and pulled the back seat's door open.
Just when I was about to throw the diapers into the car, I experienced a big SHOCK because Ian's car seat was missing. The immediate thought was that someone had infiltrated our car and stolen the car seat. Then I saw an unfamiliar jacket on the seat and I was wondering where it had come from. I also noticed an unfamiliar smell in the car. After looking at the front seats, I realised that this was not our car!
I quickly closed the door again, and found our car a short distance away. Gosh, it was such an experience.
Just when I was about to throw the diapers into the car, I experienced a big SHOCK because Ian's car seat was missing. The immediate thought was that someone had infiltrated our car and stolen the car seat. Then I saw an unfamiliar jacket on the seat and I was wondering where it had come from. I also noticed an unfamiliar smell in the car. After looking at the front seats, I realised that this was not our car!
I quickly closed the door again, and found our car a short distance away. Gosh, it was such an experience.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Goodie Bag For Ian

Ian loves ball. It is probably one of his first words, first signs, and he seems to be able to read this word when I wrote it down on a piece of paper. He is going to be so thrilled when he returns home and finds a beach ball on the floor! :)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Last Thursday evening, Ian's nanny informed us that he was having a diarrhoea. My brother told us that it was normal as Ian was teething again (his 9th and 10th teeth). But after we brought him home, he did not pass any more stools.
On Friday morning, when Hubby was changing his diapers, he discovered that Ian had pooed again. On the way to the carpark, Ian did it again. We decided to let his nanny observe for the day before bringing him to the PD.
At about 1pm, his nanny called me to inform me that Ian seemed to be in pain while passing motion. She thought that he was having an upset tummy. I took urgent leave and rushed back to bring Ian to the doctor. Dr Goh diagnosed it as a viral infection and told us to be careful not to catch it, by watching our hygiene and washing our hands after changing his diapers. She mentioned that a diarrhoea due to teething would have a more pasty stool than the watery one that Ian was having.
Though Ian continued to pass loose stools a few times that day, he did not cry like what his nanny described. It was a war with him to make him drink the medicine. He did not like the hydralyte that the doctor had prescribed either. In order to help with his diarrhoea, we added more water to his porridge and made it more watery than usual. He seemed to love it.
He passed loose stools one more time on Saturday morning. It appeared that he had recovered from his illness as there was no more diarrhoea on Saturday and Sunday. However, his appetite did not seem too good and he weighed only 11.2kg this evening. He had lost 0.5kg since Friday! Hopefully, he will gain back his weight and resume his chubby self.
On Friday morning, when Hubby was changing his diapers, he discovered that Ian had pooed again. On the way to the carpark, Ian did it again. We decided to let his nanny observe for the day before bringing him to the PD.
At about 1pm, his nanny called me to inform me that Ian seemed to be in pain while passing motion. She thought that he was having an upset tummy. I took urgent leave and rushed back to bring Ian to the doctor. Dr Goh diagnosed it as a viral infection and told us to be careful not to catch it, by watching our hygiene and washing our hands after changing his diapers. She mentioned that a diarrhoea due to teething would have a more pasty stool than the watery one that Ian was having.
Though Ian continued to pass loose stools a few times that day, he did not cry like what his nanny described. It was a war with him to make him drink the medicine. He did not like the hydralyte that the doctor had prescribed either. In order to help with his diarrhoea, we added more water to his porridge and made it more watery than usual. He seemed to love it.
He passed loose stools one more time on Saturday morning. It appeared that he had recovered from his illness as there was no more diarrhoea on Saturday and Sunday. However, his appetite did not seem too good and he weighed only 11.2kg this evening. He had lost 0.5kg since Friday! Hopefully, he will gain back his weight and resume his chubby self.
Ian's New Float
After a long break from swimming, we finally brought Ian back to the pool again. We have decided to graduate him from the neck float that he has been using since he was 6 months. This is the new float that we have gotten him from Giant - a cute Tweety Bird float!

Hubby pushed Ian's float around the pool, with Ian enjoying the ride. However, after Hubby took him out and let him stand in the pool, Ian discovered that it was more fun to be without the float. He was happily beating the water with his hands, with the water splashing all over his head.
Hopefully, we will find another good chance to bring him to the pool again.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Bad, Bad Mozzie
On the evening of 4th June, when I picked up Ian from the Nanny's, I saw that his right eye was swollen. He had been badly bitten at her house on the eye and also on the legs. He could only open about 3/4 of his eye. I took a photo of his face with my phone and sent it to Hubby to see. We decided to wait until the next morning to see how it went.
Unfortunately, the eye was even more swollen and he could only open not more than 1/2 of the eye. We quickly took him to see the PD at Sembawang. Unfortunately, the doctor was sick too, so I surfed forums with my phone and found another highly-recommended PD at Bishan.
Bad things did not come alone. When we reached the clinic, we were informed that the doctor had just left the clinic for an emergency case at the hospital. So, we waited for almost an hour to see her. Ian was happy there, because they had a playroom upstairs with lots of toys.
When we finally got to see the doctor, she relieved us of our anxiety with an optimistic view of Ian's case. She was not so supportive of unnecessary oral medication, and so we were only given a tube of eye gel and to observe until Saturday morning. She even taught us how to manage insect bites in future, to prevent the bite from swelling like how it was. Also, she advised us to paste the mosquito repellent on his back if there were mosquitoes around. It was well-worth the wait to see this PD.
Hubby had to return to work again and so I had to take care of Ian alone. Except for the swollen eye, Ian was still at his normal, happy self.

Unfortunately, the eye was even more swollen and he could only open not more than 1/2 of the eye. We quickly took him to see the PD at Sembawang. Unfortunately, the doctor was sick too, so I surfed forums with my phone and found another highly-recommended PD at Bishan.
Bad things did not come alone. When we reached the clinic, we were informed that the doctor had just left the clinic for an emergency case at the hospital. So, we waited for almost an hour to see her. Ian was happy there, because they had a playroom upstairs with lots of toys.
When we finally got to see the doctor, she relieved us of our anxiety with an optimistic view of Ian's case. She was not so supportive of unnecessary oral medication, and so we were only given a tube of eye gel and to observe until Saturday morning. She even taught us how to manage insect bites in future, to prevent the bite from swelling like how it was. Also, she advised us to paste the mosquito repellent on his back if there were mosquitoes around. It was well-worth the wait to see this PD.
Hubby had to return to work again and so I had to take care of Ian alone. Except for the swollen eye, Ian was still at his normal, happy self.

The swelling did not subside on Saturday morning, nor did it worsen. Hence, we did not visit the PD again. However, we postponed his Kindermusik class on that day, as we did not want to invite uninvited stares from others.
Thankfully, his eye recovered very quickly on Sunday and he could open more than 3/4 of it. When we brought him back to the Nanny's on Monday, his eyes was almost completely healed except for a little swell on the original place of bite.
Ian Has A Bike
Ian's nanny has let him sit on toy bikes at her place soon after he was able to sit independently. Ian seems to enjoy sitting on them. Hence, we finally bought a basic one from the 20% Robinsons sale in late May.
As with other new toys, Ian reaches for it immediately upon setting his foot into the house. He is only able to move a few inches on it and still does not know how to move around the house, but he loves it when we pushes him around.

The other way to play with this toy is to push it around the house like his shopping cart. Or, topple it over and then spin the wheels. Children do have their ways with things!
As with other new toys, Ian reaches for it immediately upon setting his foot into the house. He is only able to move a few inches on it and still does not know how to move around the house, but he loves it when we pushes him around.

The other way to play with this toy is to push it around the house like his shopping cart. Or, topple it over and then spin the wheels. Children do have their ways with things!
Toy Bike
Friday, June 26, 2009
I love my iPhone! It has solved many frustrations I faced while I was using a PDA phone, like accidentally hanging up the call in the middle of a conversation, and the frustration in scrolling through a website, etc.
Recently, I have found another great use of the iPhone. I had sent Hubby to his camp one day and had wanted to drive to work from there. However, I got lost in the vicinity. Thanks to the Maps application, I finally found my way out of the maze, after going from Jalan Kayu-Sengkang-Ang Mo Kio-Hougang-Serangoon, and found a route to CTE! It has since proved very useful when we needed to find our way around the town.
Another great use of the phone that was 'discovered' after upgrading to OS3, was Internet Tethering! Now, I do not need to rely on my fantastic colleague's mobile device in order to connect to the internet from office!
I heart my iPhone!
Recently, I have found another great use of the iPhone. I had sent Hubby to his camp one day and had wanted to drive to work from there. However, I got lost in the vicinity. Thanks to the Maps application, I finally found my way out of the maze, after going from Jalan Kayu-Sengkang-Ang Mo Kio-Hougang-Serangoon, and found a route to CTE! It has since proved very useful when we needed to find our way around the town.
Another great use of the phone that was 'discovered' after upgrading to OS3, was Internet Tethering! Now, I do not need to rely on my fantastic colleague's mobile device in order to connect to the internet from office!
I heart my iPhone!
Monday, June 8, 2009
A Short Getaway
We enjoyed a short getaway from the busy life in Singapore, on 22-23 May. Two of my friends from university times were getting married, so we decided to book a room at the same hotel and take a break from work.
Nothing unusual - hubby was not able to take full-day leave, so in the morning, we sent Ian to the nanny's place first, then I sent hubby to work. After I got home, I prepared Ian's porridge for dinner. Time flew and it was time to pick Ian and hubby, at 12 plus.
We were running late for a spa appointment, and had to order MacDonalds takeaway to eat in the car, along the way.

We were allowed to check-in early at Rasa, which was nice of them. The room was nothing like our experience in KL - it was clean, spacious, and there was NO SMELL. We had expected it to be old, but it was very acceptable! Once we checked in, I went for my spa while hubby babysitted Ian.
Their spa was good, and I had a good rest before I had to rush back to help out hubby. When I stepped out, I spotted the two of them strolling at the hotel lobby. When we returned to the room, hubby whipped out his laptop, and began to WORK again!!!!! (Well, the next time you really want to get away from work, make sure that the hotel does not offer free Internet access!)
Time flew while he was working, and Ian was busy exploring the room. We had no chance to go to the beach, as it was time to attend the romantic ROM ceremony. It was a solemnization with the sunset as a backdrop. It was nice to witness your old friends signing the 'contract', after so many years of dating.

Well, the dinner was up to standard, just like everything else there that we had experienced thus far, and the thing we liked best was, there was no dilly-dallying around. The food came quick and everything ended by 10.45pm or so. Probably, they had to do that because the bus to the main island was leaving at 10.55pm. Haha...
On the next morning, it was hubby's turn for the spa, while I babysitted Ian. We ordered a set of American breakfast to share because our room did not come with breakfast. The serving was simply huge and the 2 of us could not finish everything.
We had planned to take Ian for a dip at the hotel pool, but unfortunately, in our rush to go out, we had omitted to bring the float along. Hence, we had decided not to let him swim.
While hubby was away, I took a few shots of the room. The toilet was huge, and so was our room. There was a balcony looking out at the trees (which meant nothing much to see).

Since Vivocity was nearby, we decided to have our lunch there. We fed a jar of baby food to Ian since we were not able to cook porridge. He finished up everything, and also some rice from our plates.
After lunch, we brought him to the playground. He was thrilled with the water fountains, and made a scene when we pulled him away to leave.
Nothing unusual - hubby was not able to take full-day leave, so in the morning, we sent Ian to the nanny's place first, then I sent hubby to work. After I got home, I prepared Ian's porridge for dinner. Time flew and it was time to pick Ian and hubby, at 12 plus.
We were running late for a spa appointment, and had to order MacDonalds takeaway to eat in the car, along the way.

We were allowed to check-in early at Rasa, which was nice of them. The room was nothing like our experience in KL - it was clean, spacious, and there was NO SMELL. We had expected it to be old, but it was very acceptable! Once we checked in, I went for my spa while hubby babysitted Ian.
Their spa was good, and I had a good rest before I had to rush back to help out hubby. When I stepped out, I spotted the two of them strolling at the hotel lobby. When we returned to the room, hubby whipped out his laptop, and began to WORK again!!!!! (Well, the next time you really want to get away from work, make sure that the hotel does not offer free Internet access!)
Time flew while he was working, and Ian was busy exploring the room. We had no chance to go to the beach, as it was time to attend the romantic ROM ceremony. It was a solemnization with the sunset as a backdrop. It was nice to witness your old friends signing the 'contract', after so many years of dating.

Well, the dinner was up to standard, just like everything else there that we had experienced thus far, and the thing we liked best was, there was no dilly-dallying around. The food came quick and everything ended by 10.45pm or so. Probably, they had to do that because the bus to the main island was leaving at 10.55pm. Haha...
On the next morning, it was hubby's turn for the spa, while I babysitted Ian. We ordered a set of American breakfast to share because our room did not come with breakfast. The serving was simply huge and the 2 of us could not finish everything.
We had planned to take Ian for a dip at the hotel pool, but unfortunately, in our rush to go out, we had omitted to bring the float along. Hence, we had decided not to let him swim.
While hubby was away, I took a few shots of the room. The toilet was huge, and so was our room. There was a balcony looking out at the trees (which meant nothing much to see).

One last shot of the hotel before we said goodbye to the island...

Since Vivocity was nearby, we decided to have our lunch there. We fed a jar of baby food to Ian since we were not able to cook porridge. He finished up everything, and also some rice from our plates.
After lunch, we brought him to the playground. He was thrilled with the water fountains, and made a scene when we pulled him away to leave.

I Love Yakult
Before I begin, this is a disclaimer that I do not get paid for this post.
But Ian is simply a fan of this drink that he literally snatches it from our hands, if it is within his reach. He has been drinking sips of it ever since we started to give him yoghurt. It is only until recently, after he has turned one, that we are giving him about 1/4 of the bottle every time we drink it (which is daily).

But Ian is simply a fan of this drink that he literally snatches it from our hands, if it is within his reach. He has been drinking sips of it ever since we started to give him yoghurt. It is only until recently, after he has turned one, that we are giving him about 1/4 of the bottle every time we drink it (which is daily).

Dr Ong has also suggested to let him have it during our 14th month visit. So, we can stop feeling any guilt in giving him this cold+sweet drink.
We have also given him the other brand, but Ian does not take to it as well as this one. Perhaps, he has a sweet tooth like his Mommy?
"Ball, Ball"
For some time, Ian's favourite word is "ball". He says "ball, ball" all the time, no matter the location, no matter the time.
And so....he got it!

And so....he got it!

About a month ago, while Ian and I were in the LNT class, Hubby sneaked out to buy a real ball that bounced, because his old cloth ball could not.
Now, this has become one of his faves, as he reaches for it once he steps home.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Ian Is 14 Months Old
Last Friday, both of us took leave to bring Ian to see Dr Ong again. This time, it was for his chicken pox vaccination.
He was in a high spirits that day and kept running around outside the clinic. We were a little early for our appointment, and thankfully, we did not wait too long for our turn this time. The nurse took his weight and height. At 14th month, he weighs 11.3kg (~90th percentile) and stands at 81cm (~95th percentile). He gained 1kg from the last visit which was a month ago.
Ian only cried for a few seconds after the needle was inserted into his thigh. We were glad that he showed his bravery once again. Dr Ong advised us to let him try a wide variety of food. We highlighted that Ian vomitted the pastas out, which we thought was due to the chunky texture. However, Dr Ong thought that it was due to the taste, and Ian could be becoming a fussy eater. :( We must try to let him explore other tastes and textures, and hopefully, he does not start to be too picky about his food. Dr Ong also OKed the cartons of (not from concentrate) fruit juices. Yippie! Anyway, he mentioned that kids at this age loved to eat off our plate, which we found very true. Our food was certainly more tasty than baby food, and thus, I probably need to adjust the taste of his meals too.
At 14th month, Ian loves to play! When he sees other children, his eyes brighten up with interest. On normal days, while I am having my dinner at my Mom's, he will play with his Ken gor-gor and both of them will turn the house upside-down. His Ken gor-gor will open up the play tent for him, bring in chairs, etc. Sometimes, Ian even refuses to go home as he was enormously enjoying himself!
Recently, he has also started to play hide-and-seek with me. He will purposely go to the kitchen and peep out from behind the door, while I hide at another corner and peep out too. When he sees me, he will run towards me and give me a hug. Then, he will repeat the game all over again.
We do have a very playful son, but hopefully, he will also develop some interest in 'quieter' activities like sitting down to read books.
He was in a high spirits that day and kept running around outside the clinic. We were a little early for our appointment, and thankfully, we did not wait too long for our turn this time. The nurse took his weight and height. At 14th month, he weighs 11.3kg (~90th percentile) and stands at 81cm (~95th percentile). He gained 1kg from the last visit which was a month ago.
Ian only cried for a few seconds after the needle was inserted into his thigh. We were glad that he showed his bravery once again. Dr Ong advised us to let him try a wide variety of food. We highlighted that Ian vomitted the pastas out, which we thought was due to the chunky texture. However, Dr Ong thought that it was due to the taste, and Ian could be becoming a fussy eater. :( We must try to let him explore other tastes and textures, and hopefully, he does not start to be too picky about his food. Dr Ong also OKed the cartons of (not from concentrate) fruit juices. Yippie! Anyway, he mentioned that kids at this age loved to eat off our plate, which we found very true. Our food was certainly more tasty than baby food, and thus, I probably need to adjust the taste of his meals too.
At 14th month, Ian loves to play! When he sees other children, his eyes brighten up with interest. On normal days, while I am having my dinner at my Mom's, he will play with his Ken gor-gor and both of them will turn the house upside-down. His Ken gor-gor will open up the play tent for him, bring in chairs, etc. Sometimes, Ian even refuses to go home as he was enormously enjoying himself!
Recently, he has also started to play hide-and-seek with me. He will purposely go to the kitchen and peep out from behind the door, while I hide at another corner and peep out too. When he sees me, he will run towards me and give me a hug. Then, he will repeat the game all over again.
We do have a very playful son, but hopefully, he will also develop some interest in 'quieter' activities like sitting down to read books.
Developmental Milestones
Monday, May 11, 2009
A Double Celebration - Again!
For the 2nd year, we celebrated both Mother's Day as well as my birthday together.
On Sunday morning, my Mom cooked mee sua with kidney and eggs for my lunar birthday. I had already forgotten about it, until she called to ask me to go over and eat it. But because of our young master, we were running late (after cooking his porridge and feeding him). We had a rushed lunch before dashing to his LNT class.
After Ian's lesson at LNT ended, hubby mysteriously brought us out and refused to say where he was heading to. He had planned to buy me a bag on this day - he had wanted to give me last year as my push cum birthday presents, but we did not manage to choose anything then.
After spending some time choosing and deciding, we picked my first epi leather...

After shopping, we headed to the Korean ginseng Crystal Jade for dinner, as I was craving for kimchi recently. As usual, Hubby refused to tell me where we were going, until the last moments. He decided to do something extraordinary this year, so we did not cut any cake when the clock stroke 12 at night.
No thanks to his hectic project, he was unable to take leave on the actual day, and hence for the first time in recent years, I spent the day alone. I indulged in a facial and a pedicure, before going back to pick up Ian from the babysitter.
Unfortunately, Ian was having a pretty bad rash, and hence I quickly rushed to my Mom's place for a quick dinner before bringing him to see a PD. Hubby also did his best to rush home so that we could go together. I was not too worried about the rashes, because a friend had told me that it could be due to his recent fever. As she had predicted correctly, it was false measles and we did not need to do anything about it.
When we finally settled down at home, Hubby took out the cake that he had hurriedly collected from Northpoint after work, went home to hide it in the fridge, before coming out again to join Ian and me. This year, there was no customised birthday message, because he thought that it was boring to have the same message every year.
Anyway, here is my favourite Black Forest Cake from Four Leaves...*slurp*

See you next year, delicious cake!
On Sunday morning, my Mom cooked mee sua with kidney and eggs for my lunar birthday. I had already forgotten about it, until she called to ask me to go over and eat it. But because of our young master, we were running late (after cooking his porridge and feeding him). We had a rushed lunch before dashing to his LNT class.
After Ian's lesson at LNT ended, hubby mysteriously brought us out and refused to say where he was heading to. He had planned to buy me a bag on this day - he had wanted to give me last year as my push cum birthday presents, but we did not manage to choose anything then.
After spending some time choosing and deciding, we picked my first epi leather...

After shopping, we headed to the Korean ginseng Crystal Jade for dinner, as I was craving for kimchi recently. As usual, Hubby refused to tell me where we were going, until the last moments. He decided to do something extraordinary this year, so we did not cut any cake when the clock stroke 12 at night.
No thanks to his hectic project, he was unable to take leave on the actual day, and hence for the first time in recent years, I spent the day alone. I indulged in a facial and a pedicure, before going back to pick up Ian from the babysitter.
Unfortunately, Ian was having a pretty bad rash, and hence I quickly rushed to my Mom's place for a quick dinner before bringing him to see a PD. Hubby also did his best to rush home so that we could go together. I was not too worried about the rashes, because a friend had told me that it could be due to his recent fever. As she had predicted correctly, it was false measles and we did not need to do anything about it.
When we finally settled down at home, Hubby took out the cake that he had hurriedly collected from Northpoint after work, went home to hide it in the fridge, before coming out again to join Ian and me. This year, there was no customised birthday message, because he thought that it was boring to have the same message every year.
Anyway, here is my favourite Black Forest Cake from Four Leaves...*slurp*

See you next year, delicious cake!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Fever, Fever, Go Away
Since Wednesday (6 May), Ian has been down with a fever. It began as a mild one on Wednesday, but nevertheless, we brought him to Kidslink clinic immediately for medical advice. Dr Goh was not too worried about his condition as he was still very active and happy. She prescribed panacetamol suspension to be taken at 6-hourly intervals and advised us to monitor for 3 days. I took leave to take care of him personally.
He seemed to have gotten better in the day as he was still at his bubbly self. However, he went to sleep pretty early before 10pm. When hubby woke him up at almost midnight for another dose of the medicine, he found Ian to be very hot. His temperature had rose to almost 40 degrees in his sleep. We quickly brought him to the TMC 24-hour clinic. The nurse gave him a suppository and we also took a bottle of Neurofen home, just in case.
The nurse also taught us how to manage fever:
1. To give panadol every 4 hourly.
2. If the temperature rose to above 38.5 degrees, to give a dose of Neurofen and do the following 4 things:
On Thursday morning (our wedding anniversary!), Ian's temperature was back to normal at 37 degrees. However, when we brought him back from the babysitter, his condition was worrying. His temperature went up to almost 40 degrees and he was lethargic. According to the babysitter, he slept throughout the day, which was very unusual. We brought him back to TMC at 8 plus and the doctor ordered for a blood test and a urine test. The nurse inserted a suppository and put on the urine bag, then we brought him up to the 4th floor for the blood test.
After a long wait, Ian still did not urine. The blood test result was out at around 12.30am and the doctor said it was a virus "from the air". Since we still failed to collect his urine, doctor said we could go home and observe. If his illness got worse by Saturday, we had to return for a urine test. He also prescribed suppositories for us to do the insertion on our own in case the temperature rose again.
This morning, his temperature measured at 38.2 degrees. He is back to his normal, active self now, save that his temper is still as bad as ever, if not worse. We are still continuing with the 4-hourly dose of panadol until tomorrow.
Get well soon, baby.
He seemed to have gotten better in the day as he was still at his bubbly self. However, he went to sleep pretty early before 10pm. When hubby woke him up at almost midnight for another dose of the medicine, he found Ian to be very hot. His temperature had rose to almost 40 degrees in his sleep. We quickly brought him to the TMC 24-hour clinic. The nurse gave him a suppository and we also took a bottle of Neurofen home, just in case.
The nurse also taught us how to manage fever:
1. To give panadol every 4 hourly.
2. If the temperature rose to above 38.5 degrees, to give a dose of Neurofen and do the following 4 things:
- Sponge
- Bathe in lukewarm water
- Wear light clothings
- Switch on the aircon or fan
On Thursday morning (our wedding anniversary!), Ian's temperature was back to normal at 37 degrees. However, when we brought him back from the babysitter, his condition was worrying. His temperature went up to almost 40 degrees and he was lethargic. According to the babysitter, he slept throughout the day, which was very unusual. We brought him back to TMC at 8 plus and the doctor ordered for a blood test and a urine test. The nurse inserted a suppository and put on the urine bag, then we brought him up to the 4th floor for the blood test.
After a long wait, Ian still did not urine. The blood test result was out at around 12.30am and the doctor said it was a virus "from the air". Since we still failed to collect his urine, doctor said we could go home and observe. If his illness got worse by Saturday, we had to return for a urine test. He also prescribed suppositories for us to do the insertion on our own in case the temperature rose again.
This morning, his temperature measured at 38.2 degrees. He is back to his normal, active self now, save that his temper is still as bad as ever, if not worse. We are still continuing with the 4-hourly dose of panadol until tomorrow.
Get well soon, baby.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Stack These Rings
Another of his stacking activities...
This toy is a hand-me-down from his Ken gor-gor, but he really, really loves the blue ring as it is one of the first things that he reaches for when he gets home. It had been his walking 'stabilizer' as he used to hold it when he made his first steps around the house. It has been his bath mate, and recently, his teething pal. When we feel silly, we will put it on our head and drop it to make him laugh. Who says you need expensive or branded toys?
Stacking Rings
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Chosen By Daddy!
Almost all of Ian's toys were purchased by me, or chosen by me and paid by hubby. However, while shopping at Metro over last weekend, hubby gave me a surprise when he walked out of the toys section with Ian and a toy piano.
Ian loves this toy and walks around the house with it when we got home.
My First Sewing Project
My sewing machine has been used mainly for mending clothes, but finally, it has been used to make something useful for our car.
The seat pockets in our cars have consistently been bursting with our barang barang - correction - Ian's barang barang. We keep a couple of his toys in the car to keep him entertained, the sunshades that we no longer use, a bottle of Dettol hand sanitizer, the car remote control, and occasionally, his milk bottle or a bottle of soft drink. Hence, I thought of making a huge pouch to keep all our things without bursting the pockets.

The seat pockets in our cars have consistently been bursting with our barang barang - correction - Ian's barang barang. We keep a couple of his toys in the car to keep him entertained, the sunshades that we no longer use, a bottle of Dettol hand sanitizer, the car remote control, and occasionally, his milk bottle or a bottle of soft drink. Hence, I thought of making a huge pouch to keep all our things without bursting the pockets.

Now, Ian can reach his toys easily from the top pocket. But the bad thing is, when he throws a tantrum, we cannot keep anything within his reach or else he will take them out and throw them onto the floor. :( Any solution for a toddler with a bad temper?
Dairy Goodness
Since Ian turned one, we have gradually introduced him to other varieties of dairy products besides his good old yoghurt.

- Using full-fat fresh milk (brands tried: Pura, Farmhouse) to make his cereal and avocado puree. We have let him drink fresh milk from his Magmag cup, but he does not seem to accept the taste of pure fresh milk yet.
- Upgrade his yoghurt to Yoplait Petit Miam. Now he has more variety to choose from!
- Butter
- Cheese
Pasta Failure
Sadly, this is a blog entry about my pasta ventures and failures. I have wanted to take Dr Ong's suggestion to let Ian eat pasta once in a while, instead of porridge and porridge and porridge.
Hence, I have bought the organic animal pasta shapes to try out. You can't see the shapes in the picture any more, because I have already broken them into smaller pieces for Ian. However, Ian did not like this because it is too dry and chunky.

Next, I chanced upon the Bellamy pasta stars at Cold Storage one day, while waiting for Hubby to finish his work. I bought this to let Ian try, hoping that he would like it better since they are much smaller pieces. I roughly followed the AK book, by adding carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, and cheese. Unfortunately, Ian did not like it either for the same reason as above. Hubby added some plain water to make it easier for him to eat. He took a few more mouthful and refused to eat any more.

We shall have a wait a little while more before slowly introducing Ian to such food texture.
Hence, I have bought the organic animal pasta shapes to try out. You can't see the shapes in the picture any more, because I have already broken them into smaller pieces for Ian. However, Ian did not like this because it is too dry and chunky.

Next, I chanced upon the Bellamy pasta stars at Cold Storage one day, while waiting for Hubby to finish his work. I bought this to let Ian try, hoping that he would like it better since they are much smaller pieces. I roughly followed the AK book, by adding carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, and cheese. Unfortunately, Ian did not like it either for the same reason as above. Hubby added some plain water to make it easier for him to eat. He took a few more mouthful and refused to eat any more.

We shall have a wait a little while more before slowly introducing Ian to such food texture.
Friday, May 1, 2009
His New Squeaky Shoes

We bought this pair of squeaky shoes for Ian during last weekend's Metro sale, as he is starting to show interest to walk around on his own when we are outside.
He tried it on for the first time today, and thoroughly enjoyed the squeaky sounds that he made while walking. He was giggling and walking around the house the whole morning, as if he was addicted to walking.
Milestones Reached By 13 Months
These are the milestones on the BabyCenter's guide that Ian has reached by 13 months.
- Words used frequently: "Boh", "Mum", "More"
- Squat down to pick up an object
- Enjoys gazing at his reflection
- Holds up his arms while getting dressed/undressed
- Able to sign for "more" and say the word at the same time
- Eats with finger
- Empties container with contents, and also to put back the contents
- Imitates others (he loves to imitate "The Eentsy Weensy Spider", and also started to imitate the signs for "bike" and "pain")
- Toddles well
- Points to head when we say "head"
- Responds to our instruction to "clap"
- Pushes toys while walking
- Turns the pages of a book
- Learns the correct way to hold a telephone to his ears
- Takes only a nap a day
- Dances to music (his fave of faves is Mozart's Sonata N0. 11 in A Major, K. 331-Alla Turca: Allegrato, aka Turkish Rondo)
- Stacks/nests 2-3 cups/rings
- Enjoys climbing
- Able to climb down our bed on his own by swinging one leg down while using his hands to grap the bedsheets
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Stacking & Nesting Cups
We received a set of stacking/nesting cups from a friend and although the toy is simple, Ian loves it! It has been one of his top favourite toys at home and he pushs the cups around the house while crawling, brings it to bath, and he loves it when we stack up the cups so that he can topple them.
We have been teaching him how to stack them up himself or to nest the cups. See how he has progressed.
We have been teaching him how to stack them up himself or to nest the cups. See how he has progressed.
Sleeping Baby

Saturday, April 18, 2009
More, More, More
Ian is full of surprises these days! Just a few days ago, he suddenly started to do the sign for "more", by putting his fingers together and bringing both hands together. He has learnt to clap about a month ago, and perhaps this is a natural progression to doing the sign for "more". There is indeed a sense of gratification to see him doing more and more signs, as our effort for the past months have paid off.
For the past week or so, we noticed that he waved bye bye on a few occasions, and babbled "bye bye" along with the action. However, it has happened randomly, and we do not know when he will wave when asked to, and when he will have his own mind.
Nevertheless, it is a real joy to see your little one growing up so rapidly!
For the past week or so, we noticed that he waved bye bye on a few occasions, and babbled "bye bye" along with the action. However, it has happened randomly, and we do not know when he will wave when asked to, and when he will have his own mind.
Nevertheless, it is a real joy to see your little one growing up so rapidly!
No More First Teeth

I am so outdated with sprees, that I just found out that the First Teeth Toothpaste that Ian is using, is discontinued! It is a rather saddening news, because so many babies have been using this toothpaste as it is safe to swallow.
We have been rather lazy in brushing his teeth, and hence he is still using his first tube since his first teeth sprouted. Before the current tube runs out, we'd better find an alternative...*sigh*
First Teeth Toothpaste
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Good Friday Weekends
Toddling Toddler
Just a few days after Ian started to walk independently at my Mom's wooden floor, he gained confidence very quickly to do that at home too. He has been toddling around the house over the Good Friday weekends, and has managed to walk from the bedroom to the living room, which is about 4m in length.
We have started to put him into the Barney shoes that was bought by my Mom when we bring him out. However, we still do not dare to let him walk on the streets for too long, as he tends to sit down and climb when he is tired.
By the way, my Mom's prophesy has once again come true. She has been saying that Ian will walk at 12 months, and thankfully, he has achieved this milestone in time!
His Magmag Cup
Since his Magmag spout has gotten dirtied again, we have upgraded him to a straw top. Surprisingly, he takes it better than the spout. Soon, we will train him to drink his milk from the cup too.
Classes, Classes
This weekend, we have also started him in a Kindermusik class. We have gone for trials at Kindermusik and Seimpi, but chose the former since the timings are better. The classes at Seimpi are either too early or too late for us, and Hubby finds it too far as well. Our main objective is to get Ian exposed to music, and so, Kindermusik would be good enough for now.
Today, Ian also started a new semester for the LNT class. He has new classmates, and thankfully, they were not as woeful as some of the previous ones. *Fingers-crossed* I just hope that Ian will pay more attention in the class, like his other little friends. However, I think he had enjoyed the class today, as he was laughing so hard when the teacher dropped the toy carrot onto the plate that everyone was looking at him. The auntie next to us even said that his laughter was so cute.
Sign, Sign, Sign
Today, he also surprised me by doing the sign for "more". We have been teaching him this sign for the past few months and he finally started to imitate this action. Perhaps he does not really understand the meaning, but hopefully, he will start to, so that he can tell us what he wants. He also finds the sign for "bike" (imitate the peddling action with your hands) hilarious, as he cracks up whenever I do it. He also does a similar action, and I wonder if he is trying to copy the "bike" sign?
One of his favourite songs must be "The eensy weensy spider" - he appears more alert and tries to imitate the hand actions for this song.
Food, Western Food
As Hubby was home in the morning, I decided to be a bit more adventurous to try out new recipes for Ian. He seemed to be losing his appetite recently, and I wonder whether it was due to teething, or because my cooking did not whet his appetite?
For breakfast, I cooked scrambled egg for Ian using an egg, fresh milk, butter and cheese. New food introduced were fresh milk and butter. Since Ian could not finish his meal, it ended up in both our tummies. I had thought that this was baby food (meaning, not very tasty for an adult), but surprisingly, it tasted rather OK. Perhaps it was due to the butter which contained some salt? Or the cheese?
For lunch, I cooked pasta and mixed it with broccoli, carrots and cheese, then sautéd with butter in a pot. As Ian was not ready to eat by the time I was done, I left it in the thermal pot. However, it ended up too dry by the time he was ready to eat, so Hubby added water to make it more 'edible' for Ian.
Just a few days after Ian started to walk independently at my Mom's wooden floor, he gained confidence very quickly to do that at home too. He has been toddling around the house over the Good Friday weekends, and has managed to walk from the bedroom to the living room, which is about 4m in length.
We have started to put him into the Barney shoes that was bought by my Mom when we bring him out. However, we still do not dare to let him walk on the streets for too long, as he tends to sit down and climb when he is tired.
By the way, my Mom's prophesy has once again come true. She has been saying that Ian will walk at 12 months, and thankfully, he has achieved this milestone in time!
His Magmag Cup
Since his Magmag spout has gotten dirtied again, we have upgraded him to a straw top. Surprisingly, he takes it better than the spout. Soon, we will train him to drink his milk from the cup too.
Classes, Classes
This weekend, we have also started him in a Kindermusik class. We have gone for trials at Kindermusik and Seimpi, but chose the former since the timings are better. The classes at Seimpi are either too early or too late for us, and Hubby finds it too far as well. Our main objective is to get Ian exposed to music, and so, Kindermusik would be good enough for now.
Today, Ian also started a new semester for the LNT class. He has new classmates, and thankfully, they were not as woeful as some of the previous ones. *Fingers-crossed* I just hope that Ian will pay more attention in the class, like his other little friends. However, I think he had enjoyed the class today, as he was laughing so hard when the teacher dropped the toy carrot onto the plate that everyone was looking at him. The auntie next to us even said that his laughter was so cute.
Sign, Sign, Sign
Today, he also surprised me by doing the sign for "more". We have been teaching him this sign for the past few months and he finally started to imitate this action. Perhaps he does not really understand the meaning, but hopefully, he will start to, so that he can tell us what he wants. He also finds the sign for "bike" (imitate the peddling action with your hands) hilarious, as he cracks up whenever I do it. He also does a similar action, and I wonder if he is trying to copy the "bike" sign?
One of his favourite songs must be "The eensy weensy spider" - he appears more alert and tries to imitate the hand actions for this song.
Food, Western Food
As Hubby was home in the morning, I decided to be a bit more adventurous to try out new recipes for Ian. He seemed to be losing his appetite recently, and I wonder whether it was due to teething, or because my cooking did not whet his appetite?
For breakfast, I cooked scrambled egg for Ian using an egg, fresh milk, butter and cheese. New food introduced were fresh milk and butter. Since Ian could not finish his meal, it ended up in both our tummies. I had thought that this was baby food (meaning, not very tasty for an adult), but surprisingly, it tasted rather OK. Perhaps it was due to the butter which contained some salt? Or the cheese?
For lunch, I cooked pasta and mixed it with broccoli, carrots and cheese, then sautéd with butter in a pot. As Ian was not ready to eat by the time I was done, I left it in the thermal pot. However, it ended up too dry by the time he was ready to eat, so Hubby added water to make it more 'edible' for Ian.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My Baby Can Walk
Opps... Ian is no longer a baby, but a toddler now.
He has started to walk around the house independently these few days. We realised that he is more confident to walk on carpeted floor or wooden floor. He is more reluctant to do so at home because our flooring is made of hard, cold tiles.
Some updates of his progress as of 12 months:
- During his 4th pneumoccoccal jab at Dr Ong's on 31st March, he had his weight measured. It was 10.4kg which was almost at the 90th percentile! Dr Ong advised us to reduce his milk intake to 2 feeds a day and concentrate on giving a variety of solids to Ian because solids were more nutritious.
- Able to walk independently though not for very long.
- Still not able to speak. His words are mum mum, da da, mei mei, etc...
- Makes the sign for 'milk' but now, I think he does not mean milk but it is more like a 'hello' gesture to us. I wonder why...
New food that he has eaten recently:
- Strawberries
- Cheese (he does not like it though)
- Tahini
- Sips of soups that my Mom made for dinner
- Sips of Yacult, Pokka green tea, and commercial fruit juice (not from concentrate!)
I admit sadly that we have slowed down tremendously on introducing new food to him. He does seem to have become bored with the porridge that I cook for him over the weekends. *Sigh* Shall have to dig out my AK cookbook again.
He has started to walk around the house independently these few days. We realised that he is more confident to walk on carpeted floor or wooden floor. He is more reluctant to do so at home because our flooring is made of hard, cold tiles.
Some updates of his progress as of 12 months:
- During his 4th pneumoccoccal jab at Dr Ong's on 31st March, he had his weight measured. It was 10.4kg which was almost at the 90th percentile! Dr Ong advised us to reduce his milk intake to 2 feeds a day and concentrate on giving a variety of solids to Ian because solids were more nutritious.
- Able to walk independently though not for very long.
- Still not able to speak. His words are mum mum, da da, mei mei, etc...
- Makes the sign for 'milk' but now, I think he does not mean milk but it is more like a 'hello' gesture to us. I wonder why...
New food that he has eaten recently:
- Strawberries
- Cheese (he does not like it though)
- Tahini
- Sips of soups that my Mom made for dinner
- Sips of Yacult, Pokka green tea, and commercial fruit juice (not from concentrate!)
I admit sadly that we have slowed down tremendously on introducing new food to him. He does seem to have become bored with the porridge that I cook for him over the weekends. *Sigh* Shall have to dig out my AK cookbook again.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Really My Last Spree from ON?
Recently, I received a notification from Shoponline when I was declaring my orders with Old Navy. It said that the merchant had requested them not to ship their merchandise out of the States. Subsequently, some forums had also reported that similar sites like Coach had the same request and refused to ship to shipping dock addresses.
There was a recent sale at Gap and hence, I decided to give it a try to see if they would really reject my orders. I stocked up some clothes for Ian and also bought a few tops for myself. And fortunately, my orders went through.
If they stop shipping to shipping dock addresses, I will really miss buying from them as the quality and prices are really attractive as compared to what I can get locally. (Most of Ian's (new) clothes now are from Old Navy.)
Will this be my last batch of clothes from my favourite merchant?

There was a recent sale at Gap and hence, I decided to give it a try to see if they would really reject my orders. I stocked up some clothes for Ian and also bought a few tops for myself. And fortunately, my orders went through.
If they stop shipping to shipping dock addresses, I will really miss buying from them as the quality and prices are really attractive as compared to what I can get locally. (Most of Ian's (new) clothes now are from Old Navy.)
Will this be my last batch of clothes from my favourite merchant?

Monday, March 30, 2009
I Am One

Ian is officially one-year-old! We did not hold any birthday bash for him, as we felt that it was better to focus our attention on him, instead of diverting our attention to entertaining guests.
On 22 March, he had a mini-party at his paternal grandparents'...
As a tradition, Ian had to choose 3 items from the tray...Abacus was his first pick.
Next choice: Ruler.
On 22 March, he had a mini-party at his paternal grandparents'...
We spent the previous night searching for Phoon Huat to buy the ingredients and decorations, as the branch at Sembawang had closed down. The Elmo figurine came from the Sesame Street toppers (bought from Amazon).

On the actual day 29 March, Daddy spent the morning working. We brought him to the LNT class in the afternoon and spent the day shopping for a new camera at SLS. We also bought a Canon Selphy printer to print photos. Both items costed over $600+. Hubby commented that it seemed like we were buying for myself rather than for Ian's birthday!
After the trip at SLS, we went to United Square for dinner, and also to buy a pair of shoes for him. It was a simple day, but I hope that Ian had enjoyed our company.
1st Birthday
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