Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Baby Can Walk

Opps... Ian is no longer a baby, but a toddler now.

He has started to walk around the house independently these few days. We realised that he is more confident to walk on carpeted floor or wooden floor. He is more reluctant to do so at home because our flooring is made of hard, cold tiles.

Some updates of his progress as of 12 months:

- During his 4th pneumoccoccal jab at Dr Ong's on 31st March, he had his weight measured. It was 10.4kg which was almost at the 90th percentile! Dr Ong advised us to reduce his milk intake to 2 feeds a day and concentrate on giving a variety of solids to Ian because solids were more nutritious.

- Able to walk independently though not for very long.

- Still not able to speak. His words are mum mum, da da, mei mei, etc...

- Makes the sign for 'milk' but now, I think he does not mean milk but it is more like a 'hello' gesture to us. I wonder why...

New food that he has eaten recently:
- Strawberries
- Cheese (he does not like it though)
- Tahini
- Sips of soups that my Mom made for dinner
- Sips of Yacult, Pokka green tea, and commercial fruit juice (not from concentrate!)

I admit sadly that we have slowed down tremendously on introducing new food to him. He does seem to have become bored with the porridge that I cook for him over the weekends. *Sigh* Shall have to dig out my AK cookbook again.

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