Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Little Housekeeper

One fine day, about a week ago, Ian picked up the used diaper on the floor from the bedroom, and headed straight to the dustbin in the kitchen without seeking our consent. And to our pleasant surprise, he threw the diaper into the dustbin, and returned to my side.

I thought, "Wow, great!". And for these few days, he has displayed his housekeeping skills. For instance, he will pick up something from the table to play, and then put it back before he goes off. Just 2 mornings ago, he woke up and started to pack his books back into the shelf. He also enjoys picking up dirt from the floor and throwing it into the dustbin.

However, our joy quickly transformed into a headache when he started to throw his toys into the dustbin too. Apparently, he is delighted at throwing things away.

Ian, please stop throwing your toys away!


WaveSurfer said...

It's funny how Ian wanted to throw away his toys too. On the bright side, we are glad that kids in general are programmed to be helpful little folks. ^^

Dreamycat said...

HAHA, That's really cute of him! A little housekeeper.
Throwing things away is good, the horror is when he takes things out of the dustbin!

The Sims Family said...

Oh well, we are glad that now he hasn't been throwing the wrong things into the rubbish bin. But it is scary how he likes to touch the plastic bag in the bin. :(

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