Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cordyceps Tonic

Courtesy of dear Hubby for this box of cordyceps... bought in December 2010 during Hock Hua's anniversary sale, at ~$250 after an almost $100 discount.  The shoplady recommended us this over the other brand that my Mom usually bought, reason being this had higher quality checks.  She said that the price of cordyceps was ever increasing, because the effect of this tonic on cough was really well-known.  This was why we splurged, hoping to strengthen Ian's health (he had been coughing for months) and also for the health benefits to us.  It was also good as a prenatal tonic (perhaps I did not take much when I was carrying Ian, that was why he is now so prone to cough).  The shoplady told us that this was an effective cure for cough (but not to be consumed when there was an accompanying flu), and must be consumed for 3 consecutive days to see the effect.
Origin: Tibet
Net weight: 13.5g
Packaged weight: 15g

Cooking it for the first time on my own:
  1. 10 pcs of cordyceps, broken into smaller pieces, for the 3 of us (3 small bowls)
  2. 2 honey dates
  3. 2-3 big bowls of hot/warm water

Leave it in the slow cooker for 4 hours, then consume (best on empty stomach).  The water in my slow cooker would evaporate during the cooking process, and thus I added more water in between.

Verdict: Ian and I were having a mild cough when we drank this, and the next day, our cough was gone!

1 comment:

Allan Ben said...

Nice post for Cordyceps
sinensis a herbal mediceine which is realy a helpful information for people

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