Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ian @ 4 Years 10 Months

My little big boy is almost turning 5 in another 2 months' time.  How time flies!

He is now more matured, and starting to look after Isabelle when I am busy with other things, abeit they still fight over toys now and then.  He also helps to undress Isabelle for shower after we come home, while waiting for me to change and bring the towels to the bathroom.

He is also my little helper, helping out with the household chores like bringing the dishes/pots to the kitchen for washing, wiping the table after meals, vacuuming the floor, fetching things for me, and he has even attempted to scrub the toilet floor for me once.

We have started to read chapter books to him, like Winnie the Pooh.  We also purchased a few Step-Into-Reading books and he seems to be able to read at Step 3 of the series.  At one of the book fairs last year, I collected the whole series of Peter and Jane, and right now, he is only at book 4, which I have made him read by himself.  Recently, I also made him read the classic "Hansel and Gretel" from the Ladybird Read-It-Yourself series at level 3.  In order to let him learn how to speed-read, I made him read the books quietly, as he had been used to reading books out aloud in the past so that we could check if he could read the words.  As I feel more confident in his reading skills, I have decided to let him start reading books quietly.  It is a joy to watch him read at a corner of his room, independently.  To me, it is another step forward!

When it comes to Math and Chinese, Hubby and I will feel like pulling our hair immediately.  Ian is now towards the end of the 2nd term in his abacus enrichment, but still having problem with addition and subtraction.  And he loathes Chinese!  It becomes a chore to revise Chinese words with him, and he takes a lot of effort to remember a word.  I wonder how to arouse his interest in the language?  *sigh*

I wonder if there is a "terrible 4", just like a "terrible 2"?  Sometimes, when he makes a mistake and I try to correct him, reason with him, he does not accept it immediately.  He may throw a tantrum, such as deliberately stopping on the spot if we are walking outside, or make some noises, or slam on the table.  I guess we just have to work harder and keep on reasoning with him at this age, and I think he is beginning to understand what we are trying to put across.

I have no worries in this aspect at all!  Although we still have not bought a bicycle for him, he has been allowed to cycle on a trike and ride on a scooter in school.  His teachers have feedback that his sense of balancing is good and he learns physical activities pretty fast.

Quick stats:
Weight: 18.2kg
Height: 113cm

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