Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Our avocado, bought on last Saturday, has turned from green to black by today. We had wanted to pass it to Ian's nanny to let her feed. However, since it had turned really black and soft, we decided to give it to Ian.

Avocado cut in half, with seed removed

Hubby scooped out the flesh and tried to mash it with a fork. However, we just could not get a very smooth consistency. It had lumps that we could not get rid of with a fork. We added some milk to make it more runny.

The pale green flesh, just scooped out

After adding milk

This was the first time that Ian had tried a new food without giving that "Yucks!" expression. However, he fell asleep after eating only a few mouthfuls. We took quite long attempting to wake him up, before he finally got awakened by the music from the Mozart Magic Cube. It helped to keep him awake, while we tried to feed him more of the avocado puree. However, he only managed to finish half of it before he refused to take any more.

The leftover

Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits that a baby can have, and it contains lots of vitamins and healthy fats that aid the development of a baby. We are going to try giving him more of this fruit next week or something. Hehe..

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