Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gifted Babe

I am not praising my son, but he has just attended a trial class at GUG which named the programme for 8-18mths babies as such.

As I was not feeling well, hubby attended the entire lesson with little Ian while I peeped into the classroom via the glass panel in the door. According to him, Ian did not pay attention at first, when the facilitator just started talking. However, when they turned on the music, it caught his attention better.

Some activities include story-telling, singing songs, phonic games, gym exercises in the music room, and painting with hands.

Perhaps the duration is too long for a young baby, because Ian started to become cranky halfway through. During the short 10mins break, we quickly fed him some milk to quell his hunger.

It was a good experience though, but perhaps, we are not ready to add on another weekly commitment. For the time being, we shall stick to Ian's Sunday classes at LNT.

1 comment:

Sim said...

Both of you really training Ian to be a genius :)

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