Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cloth Diapering

After discussing with Hubby, we decided to try out cloth diapering our #2 because it would be more cost-saving in the long run, and we would stop adding so much landfill to the environment as well.  Besides, we would be expecting more laundry with another child, so it would not be too much of a hassle to wash the diapers on a daily/every other day basis.

The kind of cloth diaper that we are thinking about is not the traditional flat piece of cloth that you fold into a triangle.  We had plenty of those and used them during the first month with Ian.  But, they just did not work out because I was so sick of having pee all over me whenever I carried Ian.  Actually, we did not know that they should be used with a cover and so we did not have one.  But since the confinement lady left us, I switched to the disposables immediately because they absorbed more and were convenient.  I only found out recently about modern cloth diapers that were much more absorbent than the traditional types.  Some mummies even used those for overnight and had lesser problem with explosive poos (we had leaks with disposables too).  There are other benefits too, like lesser problem for sensitive skin, and earlier success with toilet-training.

And so... here are the very first 2 diapers we have in our stash from Earth, Mom and Baby - the Bumboos...

To prepare them, I handwashed them twice in some dish detergent. A lot of lint appeared in the water, but it was normal in the first few washes.  In the 3rd wash, I used some Country Save detergent and washed them until the water was free of soap.  I will probably throw them into the machine for one more wash, before letting Ian try them on at night.

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