It is becoming increasingly uncomfortable with our baby weighing down on my bladder (and you know what that means) and pelvic area. The feeling is intense especially when I'm in a car that rides over a hump quickly. My backache is getting worse as well. It feels like someone has hammered hardly on my back and it is difficult to walk when the pain is around. And now, I'm trying hard not to waddle! More stretch marks are gradually appearing, but hubby is reassuring me that they will disappear after a few months.
Now, I can't wait for D(elivery)-Day to come. On one hand, I bet I'll miss the cute sensations when baby is moving inside. But on the other hand, it is kind of relieving to actually see the baby with our own eyes, without constantly wondering whether he's doing well inside my tummy.
I have also stopped taking birdnest since the beginning of my 8th month of pregnancy. My mom has began to make black chicken soup with wolfberries+paosheng again. The other tonic I'm still taking is chicken essence. I have also drank some coconut juice at week 33. Heard from other mummies that this will help to 'cool down' the body so that the baby will not suffer from heat rashes on the face after delivery. Have checked this with Mrs Wong and she said the effect is not significant but some mummies drink that every day. Just to be ks, I'm drinking it about once every week or so (if I can find it from NTUC!).
More shopping....almost ready, almost.
During one of the lunches over the week, I visited this brandless shop at TPY and bought 2 pcs of 'branded' long rompers, @ 2 for $10! One of them is from Old Navy so the quality is pretty good.
Today, we finally collected the Medela PIS Advanced pump from Paragon's FFY! The staff showed us how to operate it. Hopefully, it will prove to be worth every cent it costs!
We found the Avent barrier cream in FFY and was contemplating to get a tube of either this or the Mustela one. However, remembering that in the TMC doctor's talk, the PD had mentioned that zinc oxide is the key ingredient for nappy rash, and hence we decided on Mustela.
And, we have finally found the mosquito net for our playpen! Had wanted to get it from Mums & Babes but they no longer sold that when hubby went there some time this week. We found the net at a shop in Punggol Plaza, and it was $10 cheaper than the price at M&B when we first saw it. According to the lady boss, apparently residents around Punggol have problems with mosquitoes and hence, this product sells pretty well in the area! LOL

Also bought a pack of Mamy Poko diapers for newborn! The NTUC at Punggol Plaza had run out of Pampers Newborn, unfortunately.

Have started to pack our hospital bag too - 'our', because we need to pack hubby's jacket and a change of clothes as he would be staying with me.
Hmm, what else have we left out?
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