I have officially hit the big '6' - I have surpassed the 60kg mark on the weighing scale. But baby is doing well and now weighs 2.3kg! No wonder I'm always getting sensations that feel like menstrual cramps. Dr Tan said that as long as the feeling doesn't go on and off, then it's not a contraction. It is probably due to the pressure on the uterus since baby is growing bigger and bigger. Wonder what will the weight of our baby be during delivery? At this rate, he will be at 2.6kg by the next visit in 2 weeks' time! That's about +200g every week, and I wouldn't be due until another 6 weeks.
She tried to show us the eyes, nose and mouth on the U/S machine, and as usual, we couldn't tell from the black & white screen. Baby was still in the right position - head down, but not yet engaged. Hope he keeps it head down!
We clarified about how to monitor baby's movement - it should be at least 10 movements within 10 hours. If this doesn't happen, I will have to go back for a checkup on the very same day.
We also signed up with Cordlife after the gynae's appointment. One more thing settled! We have collected the kit and will need to bring this along for delivery.

We also bought the towel and wash cloths from the Parentcraft centre, as these were sold out during the class last Sunday. (Hubby has hand-washed the towel and the swaddling flannels after getting home.)
He said, "Can't wait to see our baby!".
Taka Baby Fair
We went straight to Takashimaya from the hospital, to avoid the crowd. By the time we finished lunch at MOS burger, it was around noon and the crowd was getting worse. We walked a few rounds but the fair was - honestly - not very impressive. Not all items were on sale. Had wanted to get some stuff like the Anukka cotton wool balls but it was out of stock! Had wanted to get some diapers but the only thing that was attractive was the Huggies+Kotex promo. However, we wanted to get either Pampers or Mamy Poko.
Anyway, we grabbed the following items:

After the not-so-satisfying shopping trip at Taka, we headed to Robinsons and grabbed the Aromababy non-talc powder for our boy. Still feel that it's pretty expensive at $18+ (after discount), but hopefully it is 'safer' as compared to other talc powder. Also bought another tube of Clarins stretchmark cream as mine was running out fast. No discount this time but I don't think I will have the time to shop, very, very soon.
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