Finally, Ian has had his first taste of porridge this morning. I used the Super Baby Food book as a reference and prepared as below.
We bought this bag of organic brown rice from an organic store. An ant was spotted inside when I was just about to open it.

I wanted to cook the porridge on Saturday morning, but it took too long "prepare" the rice grains.
After the grains were washed, I put them into the oven to dry at 60 degrees. It took almost 2hrs to completely dry the grains at this temperature. (By the first 30mins into this, Ian was already too hungry to wait, so I fed him cereal for the day.) I kept the washed and dried rice in an airtight container before going out.

After we reached home yesterday night, we used the brand new blender to grind the brown rice into fine powder. Within seconds, it was done.

The brown rice powder were kept in a Tupperware container, and into the fridge.

This morning, I cooked the brown rice porridge and mixed in a little of the Happybellies cereal and also the frozen sweet potato puree. With the rice in powder form, it was so much easier to cook into the required texture. I have to admit that this thing did not look very appealing.

Halfway into feeding, his cloth bib was getting quite dirty with the porridge waste. So we took out this vinyl bib that we bought quite recently. It is pretty good at keeping most of his clothes clean, but it would have been better if it is not so stiff.

Ian was not very keen on eating his porridge. I wonder whether it was because the porridge was too bland, or because he was not that hungry yet? Anyway, we gave up trying to make him eat when he was starting to yell. The bowl was still half-full by that time, but Ian did not eat half of the porridge, because he kept spitting out some of the food.
After we called it a day at attempting to make him eat his porridge, we used the Magmag cup to let him drink some water. He obviously liked to bite at the sprout and refused to let go when I wanted to take the cup to refill some water.

Although most of the water dripped out of his mouth because he was not swallowing, I am still glad that he is able to hold his own cup now.