Yesterday evening, we gave this teething rusk to Ian to soothe his itchy gums since he was putting anything within his reach into his mouth. It was so hard that Ian refused to bite on it at first.
Another motive for giving this biscuit to him is to make him learn how to self-feed. However, he did not seem very interested to hold his own food. It ended up with hubby holding the biscuit stick into his mouth for him to chew on. He managed to bite off a chunk before starting to get cranky. We had to throw away more than 3/4 of it, but I think this kind of wastage is pretty normal with beginning eaters.
By the way, hubby cooked Ian's first plain rice porridge yesterday afternoon. He added a sweet potato cube into the porridge. After cooking for quite long, the porridge was still not smooth enough. Hence, we decided to use the glass blender to make it finer. Ian loves his Daddy's culinary skills, and finished every drop of the porridge!
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