Tuesday, October 28, 2008

An Apple A Day, Keeps The Doctor Away

Since I took half-day leave today, I made apple puree for Ian to try.

Ingredient: Half of a Fuji apple

According to my "super" book, babies should not eat raw apples until 8 months old. Hence, I cut the apple into smaller chunks and steamed for 15mins in the steamer.

I have heard that apples turn brown after steaming, but surprisingly, mine did not. It was a beautiful colour when the steamer shut off. I blended the apple chunks, together with water collected in the steamer tray and some cooled water. However, there was too much water and it looked like a cloudy apple juice instead of an apple puree.

To make the apple juice more cereal-like, I added the Happybellies cereal into it. It did not smell very tasty.

To our pleasant surprise, Ian appeared to love this apple brown rice cereal. He eagerly gulped down to the last spoonful.

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