Friday, January 7, 2011

Come, Rabbit Year... First, We Shall Keep Your Stamps

Courtesy of Hubby who made a special trip down to the post office today to get this on my behalf...(Thanks Hubby!)

Our collection - a First Day Cover, collector's stamp sheet (with metallic finish and morphing effect), and a set of new stamps (which I had omitted to get for Ian in 2008).  The only thing different for the Rabbit Year collector's sheet from the Rat Year was that now the stamps had a metallic coating which I thought was nice.  However, I could not tell how the morphing effect worked this time by looking at the stamps.  As a bonus for making a trip down, we also got to collect the ang pow packets.  Compare with the set that we had gotten for Ian here.

Our next target for collection would be the Singapore Mint coins, but unfortunately, the $1 gold coin had already been sold out long ago last year.

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