Monday, January 31, 2011

Crafts: Projects for January 2011

Paper Plate Frog - Yet another froggy craft - we did it on a whim because Ian was begging to make a frog again.  This time, we made a different version from the previous one that we did last month, with a small pocket to hold things.  Firstly, I cut up a paper plate into half, and let Ian paint one and a half paper plates in green.  When the paint was dried, I let Ian paste the eyes and helped him paste the tongue and 2 paper plates together.

Rocket - Since we did not have any towel roll on hand, we used 2 toilet rolls to make the body of the rocket.  Ian got to stick the 2 rolls together using scotch tape.  Next, I cut out a piece of construction paper and let Ian stick them to the toilet rolls while helping him to hold the parts together.  Then, I made a cone for the top of the rocket and also cut out triangles for the "stand".  Ian enjoyed playing with the rocket for a few days, until Daddy made him keep it in his box of crafts. :)

Hand-print Flowers - I traced Ian's little hand onto a piece of construction paper and cut out the template and also a small leaf.  Then, I let Ian stick the flower and leaf onto an ice-cream stick.  As it was a simple project, Ian demanded to make a few more flowers, so there they are...

Shoes - This craft was created from a book of punch-out templates.  It was super easy - just stick the strap onto the "sole".  

Paper Plate Crown - Ian actually painted the paper plate in December, but as our pen knife was missing, we never got to complete it until we bought another pen knife this month.  I helped Ian cut up the middle of the paper plate and showed him how to bend the triangular part upwards.  He was not very interested in it though.  For this craft, I got to use my scrapbook punches - Mickey Mouse and heart.  Ian attempted to punch a heart shape, but he did not have enough strength to press it down.  I pasted double-sided tape onto the back and let Ian stick the punch out shapes onto the crown.

1 comment:

Q. August said...

I am crazy about the handprint flowers! Today my daughter decorated handprints and put her face in the middle then we drew the stems and leaves. I am going to try your project. Thanks for sharing. Please follow one or any of the blogs I write. I think you would enjoy them.

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