Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ian @ 3 Years 1 Month

Today marked the day of Ian beginning his full-day in school.  When I picked him up in the evening, he was happily playing with a few of the classmates who were also waiting for their parents.  It was a relief that he appeared to be adapting well, as what the teacher had informed me.  The only problem that she highlighted was his lack of interest in eating.  We would have to monitor his weight for the subsequent period.

For the past 2 weeks, we had been eating at home, because my Mom had undergone an eye surgery and was thus not able to cook for a long period.  One benefit of eating at home was that Ian had been forced to self-feed, and we had managed to cut him off from TV and iPhone.  When I told Hubby about this over the weekend, he thought that it was better for Ian as he was getting obsessive with watching TV and playing iPhone during mealtimes.  However, that meant it would be tougher on us because he had to go grocery shopping on a few mornings and I had to cook in the afternoon.  One good thing was that I did not have to worry about the weather, because it had been raining cats and dogs at those times when we were just about to leave the house (also depending on what time Ian woke up from his beauty nap)!

As of 3 years old, our little boy had become very talkative, and often talked to himself about his imaginary friends from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Backyardigans, or Little Einsteins.  He had also found a pet dog (a soft toy that Hubby gave me many years ago) that he claimed to be his, and sometimes, we found him to be talking to the pet dog as well.  It was a pleasant progress to us, because he was diagnosed with a speech delay when he was 2. 

He also found a love for reading books, and always demanded us to read him a few before he was willing to take his milk bottle and go to bed.  He was able to read some of the words in the books, but we were not sure whether he memorised the book, or he was actually reading the words.  But it did not matter either way, because it was still a progress.  One problem we were still facing now, was his lack of interest in the Chinese books.  We let him choose most of the books that he wanted to read, and he seldom picked the Chinese ones.  We had also noticed that he was unwilling to speak in Mandarin sometimes, and wondered why?

I also discovered a change in Ian's attention span, at least in watching cartoons!  In the past, he would only watch for a few minutes at most, and then find something more interesting to do.  But recently, he had been watching cartoons with his eyes glued onto the screen. I wondered if that was a natural progression in growing up?

Since Ian had been toilet-trained in the day for about half a year, Hubby and I had been playing with the idea of toilet-training him for night-time as well.  We tried to put him on one of the cloth diapers for one night, and that was it.  He refused to wear it subsequently, and I thought it was because the diaper was too tight on his chubby thighs and made it uncomfortable.  Well, we would just save the diapers for his little sister then!  However, the good news was that subsequently, he had kept his diaper dry for a few random nights.  Recently, we had noticed that he woke up more frequently early in the morning, took off his diaper on his own, and went to the toilet in the dark.  And, his diaper had remained dry.  Let's keep our fingers crossed that this would continue (although that would mean we would get lesser sleep)!  One thing that we did not change was his nightly bottle of milk, because some parents had cut off any liquid an hour before bedtime when they potty-trained their little ones for nighttime.  I did not want to do that because I thought that it was essential for him to drink more milk at his age (without sacrificing solid food intake), especially when he was so willing to drink it.

Our little boy was also growing to be a bossy guy.  For instance, if he wanted our attention and we were watching TV or looking at our phones, he would say "Daddy, stop watching.  Come and sit on the floor.", or "Mommy, stop watching.  Eat your lunch.".  Sometimes, if I unfastened the seat belt before the car came to a full stop, he would chide me, "Mommy, your seat belt!".  Somehow, I could not help but be amused by this little bossy guy.

Just a quick stat:
Weight: 16.4kg

I was astonished when I saw the number on the weighing scale, because I had not been carrying him for the past few months.  But I was super pleased with his weight gain!  I did not manage to measure his height, but a random guess would be around 100cm perhaps?

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