Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Toilet-Training: Success!

For about a month or so ago, we noticed that Ian had been randomly keeping his night diapers dry.  Sometimes, he even woke up, took off his pants and diaper, and went to the toilet in the dark.  Although the occurrence of a dry diaper was random at the beginning, he became more and more consistent until a fortnight ago, he had done it for almost an entire week, and was consistently waking up early in the morning to go to the toilet. 

Last week, Hubby decided to take the gamble and put Ian in his undies (although Ian still wanted to wear his diapers!) for the night.  Hubby would warn little Ian not to pee in his undies and to go to the toilet, after Ian had changed into his pajamas.  It was gratifying that Ian had managed to keep his pants dry until now.  And we were glad that he had done it without sacrificing his nightly bottle of milk during bedtime.

Goodbye, diapers!

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