Monday, October 4, 2010

Development Assessment: 30 Months

We visited the speech and occupational therapists today.  The occupational therapist explained the result of the profiling that we had completed last month.  Ian fared pretty normal except for his auditory processing, which showed that he had a slightly higher threshold for noise tolerance, which meant we needed to put in more effort to catch his attention if we were talking to him. The therapist mentioned that he could be 'discharged' since we did not have any major concern. 

The speech therapist also mentioned about discharging him soon, perhaps after a doctor's review.  She was happy with Ian's explosive progress since our first visit just a few months ago.  Ian could now attempt to join a few words together in his effort to communicate.  And surprisingly, he could pronounce some difficult sounds such as "train" (the "tr" sound is supposed to be quite advanced for his age).  She was also happy that he could recognise a specific vegetable such as broccoli during the play time.  We pointed out that he is having difficulty pronouncing "fish" instead of "bish", and she told us that this was pretty normal for someone who just began to talk.  But strangely, Ian could say "four" and "five" correctly.

After the next review, if everything is good, we probably could go for a review again in another 6 months.

At his childcare, his teacher also brought up that Ian's progress in talking was good.  He was starting to imitate the words that the teacher said. 

Both of us also found that he has become pretty talkative.  Sometimes, he would wake up in the morning and talk to himself while he played alone.  He also loves to praise himself "well done" for something that he has done.

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